- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  7 de Agosto de 2012  •  266 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  293 Visitas

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1. Brochure: a panphlet of leaflet

I found a vacation brochure.

2. Sponsored: A person who vouches or supports a person or thing.

I want to be sponsored by Adidas.

3. Funds: supply, money available.

I have enough funds to buy a new computer.

4. Layout: an arrangement or plan, a sketch.

We did the layout for the project, the plan is ready.

5. Further: at a great distance.

Europe is further from Guatemala than the United States.

6. Trap: Device to catch something or someone that is not aware.

The boys fell on the trap with the shoe salesman.

7. Drought: a long period of dry weather.

Because of droughts, people are dying all over the world.

8. Spam: Unit of length between the thumb and the little finger

His spam is bigger because his hands are long.

9. Coal: black mineral substance of carbonized vegetable matter.

We use coal to broil the steaks.

10. Trend: Style or fashion.

Jeans are the trend of young people today.

11. Thereafter: After that in time or sequence.

The prince and his princess lived happily thereafter.

12. Due: having reached the date of payment.

Our project is due on August the 15th.

13. Offset: Something that compensates for something else.

We didn’t produce corn this season, offset, rice was of great production.

14. Evolving: to develop gradually.

My plants were evolving perfectly until it rained.

15. Mitigate: to lessen in force.

The doctor gave her pills to mitigate the pain.

16. Discern: Capable of being perceived by the senses.

We discerned a shadow in the night.

17. Masked: Disguised.

That man was disguised as a doctor, he was an actor.

18. Rough: having an uneven surface.

Sand is rough, that is why it cut my feet.

19. Probe: To examine or explore closely.

My dog was probing the visitors.

20. Decay: to become decomposed, rot.

All vegetables decayed because the refrigerator is not working.


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