- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

My аutobiography

Enviado por   •  9 de Abril de 2014  •  Informe  •  300 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  159 Visitas

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My Autobiography

, my father met the same day I. when I turned 6 years primary school enter juan escutia and there I had my first best friend named Zaira Nataly and had my first boyfriend in sixth never kissed and never liked just like a joke.

My dad always took me lunch all days! At 11am he wait for me. came at 8 and went out at 1. I finishes with an average of 8.6 primary.

When I turned 15 years old, I had to enter to secondary and my gift for 15 years was a car my dad gave it to me but I never left drive. my dad always consented, between high school number 3 and there I had my first kiss  with my boyfriend for 3 days, was the only one I had in high school and we lasted only 3 days.

third year I got my first detention and reporting. high school I went out to buy some sodas swear that he would return but before returning a teacher saw me and reported me I would go with other friends and a colleague hid from under a car but still saw. I almost suspended. but my father never scolded me im soooooo happy!

I failed my first subject was math, but I approved with 9.5

I finished my secondary and y had to enter to preparatory, present the test to Escuela Y Preparatoria Tecnica Medic and I approved. I was the happiest woman, at age 15 I fell in love for the first time, and even now I still love the ... the only good thing is that at least you kiss! I have hope that someday be my boyfriend, and currently the fifth semester course in Tecnica Medica and I have hopes of becoming a pilot air.



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