- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

National Symbols

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National Symbols

The Flag

The Flag of the Republic of Panama is the most famous and important of the national symbols of the Republic of Panama. It consists of a rectangle divided into four quarters: the upper left is a blue five-pointed star on white background; the top right is red; lower left is blue; and the lower right is a red five-pointed star on white background.

As part of the celebration of national holidays every November 4 Flag Day is celebrated in Panama, as a national holiday. On the occasion of this great celebration celebrations such as parades and ceremonies, in which he pays tribute to the flag are made.

The National Anthem

The National Anthem of the Republic of Panama is one of the national symbols of the country, music is Amatrian Jorge Santos and letter of Jerónimo de la Ossa.


In 1889, arrives Peralta, Spain, Jorge Santos Amatrian, a musician studied. When he arrived in Panama, began as cathedral organist and teacher of singing in public and elementary schools. In 1892 he was appointed director of the band (military) battalion Ecuador, and then played the same position but in the newly founded Republican Band.

By 1897, he composed the music of a song title for schools Patriotic Hymn Isthmian. The letter was the work of Juan Augusto Torres, secretary of public education at that time. The composition permeated both among the population, not just the students sang, but also the biggest.

In 1903, William I. Buchanan, first ambassador and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Panama, was to present credentials to the Interim Governing Board, and there was a hymn to interpret, as required by the usual protocol. Jorge Santos suggests that their anthem is used for the occasion, which was accepted, since the song was backed by the general public. The same composer asked his friend Jerome de la Ossa to prepare a letter to which he agreed.

In 1906, the National Assembly adopted the anthem in accordance with Law 39 and provisionally, as it was thought to make a contest to choose a new composition. The Panamanian people again choose. Later in the Constitution of 1941, an article that adopting in final form the so-called National Anthem is included.

The Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Panama is the heraldic emblem that represents the country, and together with the flag and the national anthem, has the status symbol of the Nation mandated by the law


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