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Eduardo Escorcia

Wednesday, May 28th

Academic Inflation


  1. Opener Areas of Agreement
  1. Most of the people in this room are 3rd year students, we are almost at the end of our major, and I know we are so ambitious that we are always thinking about our future as professionals. Perhaps some of you are even thinking or have already decided to take higher education after college and get a master degree so you can get better job opportunities and better payment, etc. And that’s awesome, we pretty much share the same goals. But what if I tell you that this “goal” is becoming a problem, a phenomenon called “Academic Inflation” is spreading all around the world, and what I just described such as the right path to be a professional is not as simple as it seems.
  1. Statement of Purpose
  1. That’s why I’m here today, to convince you not to get a master degree unless you have at least 6 to 8 years of laboral experience.

Transition: First, let me begin defining what exactly Academic Inflation is.


  1. Explain the Academic Inflation phenomenon.
  1. How is affecting in different aspects worldwide, especially unemployment rate.

Transition: This leads me to my next argument: tuition and fees, which nowadays are really expensive especially for a Master Degree and a PhD.

  1. Tuition and Fees are too expensive.
  1. How much is a Master Degree in an Ivy League University?

Transition: When I talk about the right time, I’m referring to my last argument which is about experience, you have to be conscious that experience is as important as a degree.

  1. Experience is as important as a Degree.
  1. Why Google doesn’t care about hiring top college students.

Transition to conclusion: This is how important experience can be, and you need to be aware that unique skills and abilities can assure you a job just as a Master Degree.


  1. Summary
  1. So, I hope that these 3 reasons that I just exposed to you would have at least change your opinion about getting a Master Degree so soon. Remember:
  1. Academic inflation is a huge problem that affects unemployment rate
  2. Getting a Master Degree is too expensive
  3. The experience you can get throughout the years you work is meaningful.
  1. Memorable concluding remark
  1. Do not decide to get a Master Degree just because you want to earn more money or to be in a better position, of course is important, but it is not certain that you would have what you expected from getting a Degree. Found what makes you unique at work, and start using as a professional, develop your abilities, and get experience, so then you can become a skillful person and with a Master Degree.




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