Oraciones En Afirmativo Y Negativo En Ingles
Enviado por MarioVQ • 15 de Octubre de 2013 • 309 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 764 Visitas
Mi mamá prepara la comida
My mother prepares food
My mother does not prepare food
Yo voy a la escuela
I go to school
I am not going to school
Tengo tres hermanos
I have three brothers
I have not got three brothers
Los niños comen caramelos
The children eat candies
The children do not eat candies
Ellos caminan por el parque
They walk in the park
They do not walk in the park
Tu estas comiendo
You are eating
You are not eating
José se siente solo
Joseph is lonely
Joseph doesn't feel alone
Mi tía está enferma del corazón
My aunt is the sick heart
My aunt is not sick the heart
Él está pensando en ella
He is thinking about she
He not is thinking about she
La señora está preocupada por su hijo
The lady is concerned about her son
The lady is not concerned about her son
Estamos sentados en la mesa
We are sitting at the table
We are not sitting at the table
El zoológico es muy grande
The zoo is very large
The zoo is not large
Ella lava la ropa
She washes clothes
She not washes clothes
Nosotros hacemos ejercicio
We do exercise
We do not exercise
La casa está muy grande
The house is very big
The house is not very big
Los chicos hacen examen
The boys do exam
The boys do not exam
Estoy corriendo a mi casa
I'm running to my house
I'm not running to my house
Él está triste
He is sad
He is not sad
Las monedas están sobre la mesa
The coins are on the table
The coins are no on the table
El seños está corriendo
The mister is running
The mister is not running
El niño alimenta a su perro
The child feeds his dog
The child not feeds his dog
El libro es muy interesante
The book is very interesting
The book is not very interesting
Mi primo tiene una mascota
My cousin has a pet
My cousin does not have a pet
El carro es de Enrique
The car is Enrique
The car is not Enrique
Ella va al supermercado
She goes to the supermarket
She does not go to the supermarket