Palabras En Ingles
Enviado por rozenko • 13 de Abril de 2015 • 243 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 227 Visitas
Audience- for theatre
To accomplished- to reach a goal making effort
An accomplished person- sb who is good at sth because of their effort
Acknlowledge – recognize, admit
Assignment-short task
Amussing -sth enjoyable, funny
Appeal-attractive/ to do sth, to ask or implore
Attempt- try with effort
Assembly- a group of people gather together
Bring up-criar/ Upbringing-crianza
Bustle-very busy
Busckers -people playing music in buses or street
Blessed- bendecido
Broadcasting-transmit live
Backing vocals-coro
To bow- hacer la reverencia, actors
Board- comitee
Blockbuster- hit, popular movie
Its catch 22- a frustrating situation sb cannot scape
Constarints-over come/face-difficulty
Cue-dar entrada, pie
Crucial- very important, essential, decisive
Certainly-without doubt , deffinetly
Conceive- considerer
Carry out-llevar a cabo
Currently- actualmente
Dress rehersal-ensayo gral
Detach- separar, descconect
Digging out- sacar a la luz
Disseas- illness
Determined-sb that knows what he or she wants, decidida
Enhance- improve
Expertise- pass on..exp, area in which sb is an expert
To excel at-be excellent at
Envisages- imagine sth happening, forsee in mind
For instance-for example
Favours in- show preference for
Forthcoming- proximo
Fulfilled- cumplir
Sth fine- sth of superior quality
Feeding-moment an animal is being nutritioned
Great lengths- make an effort for a goal
Gripping- fascinated/sth catching
Grip-hold sth firmly
Hustle-move quickly, hurry….THE HUSTLE AND THE BUSTLE CITY, NYC
Imminent-impeding/likely to happen at any moment
Jaded-tired, exhausted
Jade colour- wasted colour
Jumped for-happy
Jeopardy- sth risky, danger
A lucky break- golpe de suerte
Lousy- very bad/ salaries, working conditions, crime´
Leap in the dark-step into the unknown
To be in the Limelight-centre of attention
Like-minded –sb that share their opinions or views
The latter- the last, being the second option= second fiddle
Leads to- conduce a
Lingering- persist in time, dura
Loath- hate
Lyricist-sb wirtes the lyrics
Leading actor-main actor