Mil Palabras En Ingles
Enviado por ajotageese_ • 1 de Febrero de 2015 • 1.039 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 513 Visitas
Las mil palabras más usadas del inglés
Las reglas: 1) Saberse mil palabras no es lo mismo que hablar inglés, pero
es un buen comienzo. 2) Hay que aprender algo de gramática también —
pero probablemente menos de lo que piensas. 3) Para los secretos de la
gente bilingüe, vete a 4) Aquí están las palabras en orden
a able about above across act action actually add addition
adjective afraid Africa after again against age ago agreed
ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although
always am America among amount an and angle animal
another answer any anything appear apple are area arms army
around arrived art as ask at away
baby back bad ball bank base be bear beat beautiful became
because become bed been before began begin behind being
believe bell belong below beside best better between big bill
birds bit black block blood blow blue board boat body bones
book born both bottom box boy branches break bright bring
British broken brother brought brought brown build building
built burning business but buy by
call came can cannot can't capital captain car care carefully
carry case cat catch cattle caught cause cells center cents
century certain chance change chart check chief child children
choose church circle city class clean clear climbed close
clothes cloud coast cold color column come common company
compare complete compound conditions consider consonant
contain continued control cook cool copy corn corner correct
cost cotton could couldn't count country course covered cows
create cried crops cross crowd current cut
dance dark day dead deal death decided decimal deep describe
desert design details determine developed dictionary did didn't
died difference different difficult direct direction discovered
distance divided division do doctor does doesn't dog dollars
done don't door down draw drawing dress drive drop dry
Lista basada en estadísticas de frecuencia en Wikipedia. Hecho por Daniel Welsch. Mucho
más en: y ¡Imprime, comparte y disfruta!
Las mil palabras más usadas del inglés
each early ears earth east easy eat edge effect eggs eight
either electric elements else end energy engine England English
enjoy enough entered entire equal equation especially Europe
even evening ever every everyone everything exactly example
except exciting exercise expect experience experiment explain
express eye
face fact factories factors fall family famous far farm farmers
fast father fear feel feeling feet fell felt few field fig fight
figure filled finally find fine fingers finished fire first fish fit
five flat floor flow flowers fly follow food foot for force
forest form forward found four fraction France free French
fresh friends from front fruit full fun
game garden gas gave general get girl give glass go God
gold gone good got government grass great Greek green grew
ground group grow guess gun
had hair halt hand happened happy hard has hat have he
head hear heard heart heat heavy held help her here high
hill him himself his history hit hold hole home hope horse
hot hours house how however huge human hundred hunting
I ice idea if I'll important in inches include increase Indian
indicate industry information insects inside instead instruments
interest interest into iron is island isn't it its it's itself
Japanese job joined jumped just
keep kept key killed kind king knew know known
lady lake land language large last later laughed law lay lead
learn least leave led left legs length less let let's letter level
lie life lifted light like line list listen little live located long
look lost lot loud love low