- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Do you like reading or writing poems? Now you will learn about poetry, sound of poetry, poetic devices and types of poetry, so now on you cand write poems in a correct way or for having a better understand.

What is poetry? Poetry is an art form in which human language is used for its aesthetic qualities in addition to, or instead of, its notional and semantic content. It consists largely of oral or literary works in which language is used in a manner that is felt by its user and audience to differ from ordinary prose.

Elements of poetry:

• Prosody: Prosody is the study of the meter, rhythm, and intonation of a poem. Rhythm and meter are different, although closely related. Meter is the definitive pattern established for a verse while rhythm is the actual sound that results from a line of poetry. Prosody also may be used more specifically to refer to the scanning of poetic lines to show meter.

• Rhythm: The methods for creating poetic rhythm vary across languages and between poetic traditions. Languages are often described as having timing set primarily by accents, syllables, or moras, depending on how rhythm is established, though a language can be influenced by multiple approaches. Metrical rhythm generally involves precise arrangements of stresses or syllables into repeated patterns called feet within a line.

• Meter: .In verse and poetry, meter is a recurring pattern of stressed (accented, or long) and unstressed (unaccented, or short) syllables in lines of a set length.

• Metrical Pattern: In poetry, meter principally refers to the recurrence of standard beats in a poetic line. Thus, a meter concerns the composition of the poem as it is written. The most ordinary structure of a meter in English poetry since the 14th century is the accentual-syllabic meter, wherein the basic unit is the foot.

• Sounds of poetry:

Rhyme Scheme: Poets organize rhyming words in a variety of patterns called rhyme schemes. End rhyme is the rhyming of words at the ends of lines of poetry.Internal rhyme is the rhyming of words within one line of poetry

Repetition: Repetition is the recurring use of a sound, a word, a phrase, or a line. repetition can be used to appeal to our emotions, create mood, and to emphasize important ideas

Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of beginning consonant sounds

Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds

Consonance: Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds anywhere within words, not just at the beginning.

Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia is the use of words that create the sounds they describe. Words like buzz, hum, clank, and crash represent a sound

Poetic devices:

Similes: figures of speech that compares two unlike things, using the words like or as.

Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.

Metaphor: a figure of speech that compares two unlike


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