¿Qué es evaluación psicopedagógica?. Señale las principales características y aspectos a considerar de la misma.
Enviado por roho98 • 16 de Febrero de 2017 • Ensayo • 1.920 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 330 Visitas
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One of the biggest issues throughout the world is poverty. It affects every country and every person because if inside a society there is poverty and inequality like there is right now it means we are not working well as a team and sooner or later we will all fail. That is why in the following document we will study what poverty is and some of its aspects as well as some possible solutions
First of all in this particular essay we are focusing in Mexico and there are many reasons why. The first is that Mexico is a country with lots of poverty in fact more than half of its population lives in this state. The second Mexico is a country full of natural resources and working people with a potential for being one of the most powerful economies in the world but it stays there as a potential. Finally Mexico is the country in which we live and we need to know how things are going in our country.
To analyze the problem we are going to see various aspects of poverty and how are they affecting the life of Mexicans. The first aspect will be economy because economy is basically the lack of money and the distribution of scarce resources is the subject of study and work of economy. The second aspect we will see is Politics because they are the ones encharged of promoting inversions that create jobs and provide the circumstances for everyone to live a good life. The third aspect is social because the society needs to change if we want to take out poverty. And last but not least we will study how education also plays a very important role in the eradication of poverty.
At the end of this essay after we have analyzed the different aspects of poverty in Mexico I will present to you some alternatives in each field that I believe would help change the poverty in Mexico and create a better country in which we all help to end the enemy we all have in common: poverty.
- Observe: To start this essay it is important to understand what poverty is and to which extent it is affecting the world so in this section we will observe poverty in the world.
A good way to start to observe poverty is defining it. If you look in the dictionary you will find a simple 3 lined definition: “the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor. Synonyms: privation, neediness, destitution, indigence, pauperism, penury. Antonyms: riches, wealth, plenty.” But poverty is really much more than that.
Poverty is basically the lack of money to live a decent life the one every human been deserves. According to these estimates, 21 percent of people in the developing world lived at or below $1.25 a day. That’s down from 43 percent in 1990 and 52 percent in 1981.This means that 1.22 billion people lived on less than $1.25 a day in 2010, compared with 1.91 billion in 1990, and 1.94 billion in 1981. That is not enough money to eat that is not enough money to buy medicines if you get sick and it certainly is not enough money to get a decent place to live,
Poverty causes a great deal of problems. Health and hygiene issues are pretty severe and that causes lots of diseases some of them really dangerous and easily avoidable with some care but poverty causes situations that do not allow this little care to happen, some examples of those diseases are for example cholera, dysentery and tuberculosis. Having those kinds of diseases causes death, poverty is the reason why about 21,000 people die every day according to the United Nations. This is one person every four seconds sadly, it is children who die most often.
The ones who are still alive but in poverty have to face really tough situations and that causes people to take extreme solutions. The countries with a higher poverty rate are the ones in which more crimes are committed and that happens simply because people have to find a way to get some food or some money in another way because the government isn’t providing anything.
The problems don’t stop there countries with high poverty rate are also most likely to get into a civil war because the conditions in which people live causes them to be angry and makes them want to fight for a better life. And in worst cases they suffer from terrorism. Through recent years, analysts have been able to point out that politically and economically weak nations often fall prey to terrorism. For example Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen. Poverty too is a major factor in explaining the spike in terrorism in recent years. Between the years of 1933 to 1973 were times when Afghanistan experienced political and economic stability. By the end of the Soviet-Afghan War, the country had been ravaged by infighting and devastation caused by the Soviets. Only then did terrorism flourish.
This is a global overview of poverty in the world but this essay will mainly be about Mexico so next I will present to you an overview of Mexican poverty.
Mexico is the 121st poorest country and that is nothing to be proud of Mexico is poorer that some African nations that are supposedly the poorest in the world, the GDP per capita is as low as $15,931.75. In Mexico, the Ministry of Social Development considers that 54% of all Mexicans live in poverty, indicating they live with less than US$4 per day, while 32% lives with less than US$2.5 and 24% with less than US$2. Under this perspective, the States of greater poverty in the country are Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Tabasco and Durango, concentrating high percentages of Indian populations. That means that more than half of the people in Mexico live in poverty. And what is worse is that the percentage of people in this situations is not decending in fact it is getting worse so we need to do something. Next you will see some grapghs that help illustrate poverty in Mexico.
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- Define the Problem: In this section we will try to search for the root of the problem and we will do it from 4 different approaches social, political, educational and economical.
Educational approach
Education is also a huge problem in Mexico and that creates problems too because nobody is going to give an important job to someone that doesn’t know how to work or how to read and write the reality is that Mexico is a country with severe education issues.
Mexico allocates 6.2% of its GDP to education, close to the average 6.3% of the nearly 30 countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Yet Mexico falls to last place in the Pisa report on education. 93% percent of the money destined to public education covers salaries and the country does not know exactly how many teachers it has. Only half of the students who begin primary education finish and 7 out 10 teens do not understand what they read or know how to multiply. The public education system remains one of the most arduous challenges that Mexico, the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, faces.