- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Reconocimiento How many units are there in the course and mention their names?

Enviado por   •  16 de Febrero de 2017  •  Apuntes  •  254 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  212 Visitas

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  • Answer the following questions
  1. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?

In the course, the units are the following:

  1. How can the “Course Presentation” help you?

This helps me to know the course members and their personal data.

  1. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention them?

There are six activities, these are:

  • Act. 3: Writing Assignment.
  • Act. 4: Quiz 1 Unit 1.
  • Act. 5: Speaking Assignment.
  • Act. 6: Quiz 2 Unit 2
  • Act. 7: Task – General course review.
  • Act. 8: Task – Oral and written production review.

  1. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’ Management)?

In this environment we find the following:

  • Noticias académicas
  • Programación de laboratorios
  • Programas y matrículas
  • Saber Pro - ICFES
  • Sistema de gestión de la Investigación - SIGI
  • Red de estudiantes
  • Formato único de solicitudes - FUS
  • Inscripciones y matrículas
  • Proceso de autenticación en campus virtual
  • Servicios para estudiantes
  • Servicios UNAD
  • Sistema de Atención al Usuario - SAU
  • Sistema Nacional de Registro y Control Académico

  1. Explain with your own words the aim of the link

This link is objective to provide the material that allows the student of the course to develop and improve the qualities of listening and speaking English.


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