Reglective Plan
Enviado por • 4 de Marzo de 2013 • 507 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 257 Visitas
UNIT: “About The Past”
THEME: Past form of verbs.
TIME: Two hours.
OBJECTIVES: To practise past structures.
CONTENTS: Simple Past. Regular and irregular verbs.
• Turning verbs into the past form.
• Matching the verbs with the photographs.
• Listening and reading: finding differences.
• Sorting the odd one out.
• Filling the blanks.
• Asking and answering questions.
The class started some minutes later than expected. It was due to the fact that the teacher did not arrive in time. We began by turning to the past form, the verbs given in the starter on the page 60 of the book. After that, the whole group repeated them orally.
The following step was to fill in the blanks in exercise 1, on the same page, with the verbs mentioned above. After a few minutes, we corrected this activity on the board.
Immediately, the students were given a sheet, with the lyrics of a Credence Clearwater Revival’s song, on it. The song is called “It came out of the sky”, and it presents many verbs in their past forms. The pupils had to recognize such verbs and utter their present forms.
Once we talked about the song, its structures, and its subject matter; boys and girls left the classroom to have a break.
After the break, the students entered the classroom again. We started working on the activity number 1, from page 63 (Sort the odd one out). Once their work was finished, we corrected it, orally.
Our last task was related to writing about something in particular, using past structures. For this, we took advantage of the fact that they had watched the film “The Others”, some days before (it was told by their Spanish Language teacher). So, they were given a series of questions to answer:
Write about the film “The Others”
• Who were the characters?
• Where did they live?
• What did they do?
• Did they live as normal people do?
• Do you know people with similar habits?
• Retell some events from the film.
Finally, the students were told to answer the set of questions at home. They are expected to bring the answers back, next week.
The activity 1, from page 63, and the questions related to the film were implemented in response to certain unexpected situations, that made us appear unable to work on other tasks which had been previously selected. We had to leave aside the first three listening activities from page number 62, and the work with the song remained incomplete. All this occurred because of two principal