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Resumen “Hitler’s Ambition.”

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Nancy C. Martin

English IV


“Hitler’s Ambition.”

People can say that the holocaust had many causes, but what is the major cause of the Holocaust? According to (“The Holocaust”) During the Second World War, the Nazi party committed genocide. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler who wanted to kill all the Jews in Germany to renovate Germany. The Nazi party and their allies murdered about 6 million Jewish people including children. It was one of the biggest genocides in the history that now is called The Holocaust and the Final Solution was to kill all of the Jews. Hitler´s ambitions for power Political, Social and Personal made the Holocaust happen.

Hitler´s ambition was dividing in many ways but one of these was the political. According to ("”): The Political Ambition was one of the principal reasons that drove Hitler did many things that affected not only the way where people believed. It happened with all his propaganda with the Nazi Party. Hitler wanted to restore Germany with pure and high people, which mean that the pure German people needed to be tall, with blue eyes and blond hair. Also his ambition was to transform Germany into a super Power; When the Nazi party started the first vision of them was to improve Germany and the economy but it wasn’t the only one ambition that Hitler had because with the time all this changed; when people started to believe their words. He knew that he had sufficient power to do all the things that he wanted.

In addition the social in the Hitler’s ambition wasn’t the exception. According to (Adolf Hitler drive and Ambition) Social Ambition also made that the Jewish and German´s people affected and made a catastrophe. One of the big reasons was that Hitler had the view on the theory of social Darwinism; it means that he always preferred the people who were high and pure class. The unknown of many people in this time is that why was he looking for the high and pure people when he was all the opposite of it? In all this time many people who wasn’t high and pure class (Slavs, Jews, gypsies, blacks and homosexuals) all of this  relates to Hitler’s political ambition because Hitler had the ability to speak clearly and also in a convincing manner; it helped him to convince people that Germany needed to be purified with just German people.

Finally one of most important part that made Hitler do genocide with millions of people was his past.

Hitler´ was also personally involved in the holocaust taking revenge against all Jews Having the most power in his hands decides to involve the staff. It looked like his first objective was it. According to ("The Analysis of Human Behavior.”):  Hitler´s past affects the way in which he acted; it has many reasons: one of them was when someone killed his dreams. Hitler´s childhood was one thing that affected him in his life because the abuse that Hitler had in his childhood made him to have a trauma and obsession of wanting revenge against people who affected his life. Hitler had the trauma in his mind in all this time that´s why he didn’t have compassion for any of the people who had been killed.


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