- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Resumen examen de ingles 7 basico.

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Resumen examen  ingles

Present Simple                                                       Keywords            

-Facts                                                                       always , usually, often,  somtimes ,

-Habits                                                                     never , everyday, at the weekend ,in the evening


Form                                                                         Example :

He, She , It: verb + s / doesen’t / does              she walks every Monday

 I, You , We , They : verb /don’t /do

Present Continuous                                                Keywords

-Happening now                                                      at the moment, right now , now currently


-Chaining situations



Am , is , Are: + verb ing / aren’t / isn’t / am not 

Past simple                                                                                       Keywords

-completed actions (past)                                                              yesterday , last week , years ago ,

-actions interrumped longer actions (past)                                 sudenly, when

-reapeted actions

Form                                                                                              examples :

I, You , We , They , He , She ,It + verb ed/ did / didn’t            yesterday ,  i played hockey  


Past continuous                                                                             Keywords

-actions inprogres (past)                                                               while, as

-temporary situations


He , She , It : was + verb ing / wasn ’t

I, You , We , They : were + verb ing / weren’t

Future tenses

-Will : prediction ,       Going to : predictions              present continuous : - instan decision 

Arrangments                                 on evidence                                     - future plans


Examples :

Will: i think i will find out more about this dogs 

Going to : scientists are going to do more test son the drugs

Present continuous: we are leaving on Saturday  

Present perfect simple                                                      Keywords

-finished actions                                                                  just , yet , alredy , since , for , never , ever ,

-actions that hapened in the past                                    recently, lately


He , She , It  : + has / hasn’t / Has…? + past  participle

I, You , We , They : + have/ haven’t / Have …? + past participle 

Present perfect continuous                                                                       Keywords


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