Smokin In Public Places
Enviado por anderson.lozano • 18 de Mayo de 2014 • 280 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 196 Visitas
Whether Smoking or not in public places have been a controversy for a long time in many countries. Smokers think that’s only their problem, but the reality is another, I mean that affects all people around them. I believe authorities must ban people smoke in public places because they are sharing a common place with other people, who don’t like smoking or the smoke. The reasons to prohibit smoking in public places are many, but the government care more about the profits that produces.
Firstly, the health of the people around a smoker can be affected for the inhalation of smoke, there have been many researches about that topic, which are showed the side effects of smoking in public places, for instance the lung cancer, or negative effects in the nervous system are been encountered in people who are been exposed to cigarette smoke. However people usually don’t care about that because those effects appear after a long time.
Another adverse consequence is the fact that in public places like parks, there are children who can be encouraged to smoke from an early age, because they don’t know that’s bad for their health and they also consider older people as an example, I mean they usually follow the older people’s behavior. Nowadays, when you’re dropping by a park is very common to find young children about 10 years old smoking, in part as a result of seeing other people doing the same.
In conclusion, although many people know the bad consequences behind smoking in public places, there no law which bans that. If there were a restriction, parks and other places would be safer to go and spend time with friends and family.