Panama the best place to live in Central America
Enviado por giovannisween • 11 de Agosto de 2016 • Apuntes • 320 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 249 Visitas
Panama the best place to live in Central America
Panama is a beatuful country located in Central America. Although Panama has been an amazing country with aa great environment and frandly people, in the past Panama had a lot of trubbles with the system transportation. Nowadays, Panamaa has become the best country to live in Central America for two reasons-The new subway system and the low prices of goods in every market.
The quality of life in Panama is better today that it was in the past because of the new subway system. First at all, in the past Panama had a big problem with transportation in the whole city, but today Panama has a great subway system. In addition, with the new subway system people are able to commutte from onee part of the city to another in less time. The new subway system has helped Panama to be the best country to live in Central Americca.
Althouh the new subway system has improved the life in Panama, there is another factor that makes Panama the best country to live in Central America. The low prices of goods in every market have improved the style of life of every person in Panama. With the new control of prices made by the government, people with minimun salaries in Panama are allow to buy whatever they want and need in the same way than a person who has a lot of money.
During the last years, Panama has become rapidly in the best country to live in Central America because of the great investment of thee government in the new transportation system. Also, the control of prices of every goods in the markets is another factor that ubicates Panama in the top of betterr places to live in Central America. If you are looking for a good place to live in Central America, you do not need to look for anymore just go to Panama.