- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Special Fuctions

Enviado por   •  29 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Informe  •  385 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  101 Visitas

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  1. Which events does your restaurant hold? (quantities)
  2. Planning, services and facilities
  3. Food and beverages
  4. Opened venues
  5. Rooms
  6. Contingency plans (bad weather, electricity, etc.).

  1. We offer different events such as: weddings, party, fifteen party, anniversary, galas.

The restaurant can hold until to 200 people.

  1. All events have different services that let the customers have a good experience during the event.

Planning and services:

Among the employees we have an event coordinator, who has an important role in the restaurant.

This person can help you with the decoration and flower arrangement.

  • Catering: the restaurant offers this service for a determined group of 30 people. With this the customer gets a 10% off.

DJ: we also offer a DJ plus the stereo.

  • Valet parking: The person who is in charge of parking the customer’s car; this person is assigned by the restaurant.


  • Ballroom: It’s a space for 200 people where you can dance and enjoy the event.
  1. Food and beverages:
  • We can offer you our service of catering with a 10% off for a group of 30 people.
  • You can choose for your event the cash bar or open bar, or both; but if you want to hire your own distributor we will charge the 8% by cork.

  1. Opened venues :

We have an outdoor venue in the second floor of the restaurant, which is very comfortable and offers you a great view of the place.

  1. 5: Rooms:

We have different rooms that the guest can use according to the service that the guest prefers.

For example.

  • The Fusion Peru Ballroom provides seating for up 200 guests. It’s a large room used for event and dancing.
  • We also have the garden in the back of the restaurant, and it can accommodate until 70 guests. It’s perfect for small weddings and parties.
  • Changing room: It’s a room where the guest can change his/her clothes and get prepared for the event.

  1. Contingency plans:

  • We have several contingency plans in case a problem occurs in your event, such as a bad weather, a power outage, among other problems.
  • In order to solve the problem if it rains, we have special awnings to close the place and get protected against rain; or you can be moved to other closed space restaurant.
  • If a blackout occurs, we have batteries for your event to continue without any problem.


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