- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Study Session 6 -- First Assignment "Shaping the Offer”

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Study Session 6 -- First Assignment

"Shaping the Offer”

The process of shaping the market offering considers three important themes: managing products and services, creating new products and developing pricing strategies. The firms attempting to “get an edge” by finding new and better technologies for production, by changing features of existing products and inventing new ones, and by changing the image of products through aggressive marketing. Well-executed marketing programs drive up both revenue and profits. Is important to target attractive customer segments, create the desired image and strengthen the brand.

Pricing is a sensitive concern that in the customer’s eyes reflects perceived value in the offering and that must deliver a long-term sustainable competitive advantage to the supplier. In highly competitive markets, customers exert considerable influence on the packages that companies bring to market. The modern concept of customer-perceived value dictates that customers expect their purchases to contain both product (tangible) and service (intangible) attributes and benefits. Well-perceived value packages result in pleasant buying experiences in both consumer and business markets.

I think that to innovate we need a broad understanding of a necessity, not all innovative ideas are successful, therefore, it is necessary to play with all the necessary tools for innovation not only surprised but also work. La innovación es el elemento clave que explica la competitividad. Innovación y competitividad van de la mano, pero no necesariamente una existe sin la otra. La innovación esta ligada a todos los niveles de competitividad de la pirámide y se puede aplicar en cualquiera de éstos. Ahora bien, se puede ser competitivo sin ser innovador con sólo mantener sistemas de mejora continua, pero los procesos de mejora no llegan a ser suficientes cuando el mercado se encuentra saturado, cuando la demanda es alta y cuando existen necesidades que los productos o servicios existentes no logran solventar. En este punto, la innovación se convierte en un proceso fundamental para alcanzar la competitividad, debido a que los esfuerzos por mejorar han alcanzado su límite y ya no son suficientes para seguir adelante.

The demand for service or product, not only achieved with the best price. Sometimes customers are won with excellent service. You must ensure that the company offers exceptional service. This will become a strength that few can easily overcome. Fast shipments, value added, prompt attention and personalized product quality are only the beginning of success. Additionally, it is necessary to evaluate sales channels. The products can reach customers through various means. For example, retailers, dealers network, shops, etc.

When there is competition, it is very tempting to be part of the game to lower prices. Can compete intelligently without necessarily lowering


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