Tf2 Configs Codigos
Enviado por chubaddfm • 4 de Mayo de 2015 • 209 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 214 Visitas
tr_walkway_rc2 by Washipato and Wiseguy149
This is a practice map focused on bots walking in straight lines, useful for training general aim
or special techniques, like airshots, airblast and airstabs... or just fooling around
For playing the map, you MUST JOIN THE RED TEAM
If it's your first time with the map, read the "Just starting" section and the "Notes" section
at the end of the file. Both have very useful information about the map that you should know
when playing. Read "Special options" to know about strange buttons and options in the map.
It's recommended to have the developer console open for this map. You can find how to open it in the
next section.
This map has sv_cheats turned on, so your stats won't be saved :)
Just starting
**Skip this section if you already know how to install the map and open the console**
Copy the .bsp file from this rar into
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\<youraccoutname>\team fortress 2\tf\maps
Replace <YOURSTEAMID> with your steamID, the one you log in with
Also copy this readme file too, in case you want to know extra information about the map
To play it, open TF2, press "Create server" and in map choose "tr_walkway_rc2". Be sure to
choose to have more than 17 players slots so the bots can join.