The Importance of Moral Values
Enviado por gema.rendon • 23 de Octubre de 2014 • 381 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 224 Visitas
The human being is a social being by nature. Unlike the animals, humans are not ruled by instincts but for the intelligence with which we were provided. Living in a society is a necessity for every person, nobody can live and develop healthily being isolated. Nevertheless, coexisting with other people is not a simple task, being in peace with the people thats surrounds us takes a lot of effort, and this is where the moral values come to scene.
Each value, like simplicity, patience, prudence, responsibility or gratitude are essential for a healthy coexistence. There is a scale for moral values, this means that one moral value is more important tan another. Of course, this scale is subjective, and it’s organization depends on every person’s criteria.
Personally, there is no greater moral value than love, followed by respect and honesty. These three moral values are, doubtless, the base for coexistence. If people followed these values in a better way, we would not be facing problems like war or social inequality.
All the values depart from love. This, to me, is the main value, for if we all loved each other; the natural consequence would be the other values we already know. Although it might sound utopian, lack of love is the root of many problems that our society faces nowadays.
Love is not only the romantic feeling between two people; this is only one of its many manifestations. We can see love in a child’s innocence, on a young man that helps his family, in two friends that support each other on everything. There is love everyday, everywhere we look around, but only if we want to see it.
Living love is not easy. It is the hardest to personify for it is the most important; loving our relatives and friends is rather simple, but how can we love somebody that has hurt us? Is that even possible? This takes a lot of effort, and that’s the problem. Loving someone requires leaving selfishness and resentment aside; and that’s not easy for humans, is easier to think about revenge than forgiveness.
Love is essential for every person. One by one we can transform the reality we face. It is important to not leave God aside, for he is the greatest personification of love.