The bad of international relations
Enviado por grt1196 • 1 de Abril de 2018 • Ensayo • 622 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 155 Visitas
The international relations are the study of the winder scope for the nations and for understand this science need understand the political, cultural and economic situations of the countries and for this is wich the international relations are bad because one person dont´t have the posibility for learn the reality situation of all countries.
The international relations are bad because this science born ori s the resulto f globalization and for this is wich one or some countries imposed one ideology for all counties.
First It can not be argued with rigor that the diversity of power relations that develop between international actors can find an adequate explanation from a model that prioritizes political phenomena over economic or cultural ones. Without falling into economicist or culturalist positions, there can be no denying the existence of a certain autonomy of both plots of international life, which fully justify their incorporation into international analysis under conditions similar to those granted for political phenomena.
Without a doubt, conflicts form a remarkable part of international reality, but to ignore or underestimate cooperation and communication as relational systems that also contribute to the dynamics of the world of states, constitutes a radical position that is in open contradiction with empirical evidence more Elementary.
The pursuit of the national interest, defining it in terms of power, leads to anarchy or an international order imposed by a hegemonic power, in its own and exclusive benefit, to the rest of the countries.
One of the essential characteristics of the capitalist system, both nationally and internationally, is competition among economic agents. Through it, each of the producing agents tries to guarantee its survival and expansion at the expense of its competitors. The result is well known. When the competition is developed in conditions close to perfect competition, each producer agent obtains a market share according to the productive efficiency it is capable of developing and, at the same time, the consumers obtain the quantities demanded at the lowest possible prices. In short, free competition is an essential condition for the functioning of the market system, which, with all the exceptions that may be desired, has proven to be one of the most efficient forms of economic organization, in the sense of resource allocation, of all the history.
To conclude, we must refer to the two most common models for the development of forecasting studies: the extrapolation model and the change model. The model of the forecast by extrapolation is based on two complementary assumptions. The first considers that in the present international reality there are all the actors and fundamental factors that will condition the future international reality, although such actors and factors have not fully developed their capacities and conditionings. The second assumption estimates that the process of evolution of international reality follows regular and linear trends. From both assumptions, the forecast is formulated by an extrapolation or projection, usually mathematical, of the observed trends in the main explanatory variables of past and present international dynamics.