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In statistics of international tourist arrivals, the EU1

Enviado por   •  28 de Agosto de 2016  •  Reseña  •  379 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  201 Visitas

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In statistics of international tourist arrivals, the EU1

It appears regularly

as the first tourist destination in the world. With approximately 380 million

international tourist arrivals in 2007, the EU received 42% of the total number of

international arrivals planet2

. This represents an increase of 55 million

international arrivals compared with 2000.

In 2007, about 70% of international arrivals in the EU were residents

EU. The remaining 30% were non-European residents, mainly from

North America and the Asia-Pacific region. Alongside arrivals

international tourists, EU residents also accounted for 700 million

domestic arrivals in 2007

Europe is expected to maintain its position as a leading tourist destination in the

next decade. Although it is likely that the "European area" 4

, Considered

more broadly, lose market share relative to other regions. The

forecasts by the World Tourism Organization ONU5

suggest that the

International arrivals in the European area will continue to increase until 717

million international tourist arrivals between 2007 and 2020. This means that the

number of international tourist arrivals in Europe will have almost doubled in two

decades (2000-2020)

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