Theories Of International political economy (IPE)
Enviado por mar004387 • 8 de Febrero de 2015 • 335 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 188 Visitas
Theories of IPE
-Economic Liberalism
shares with liberal internationalism a belief in the possibility of cooperation to realize common gains
holds that by
-interational organizations
states can mutually benefit from economic exchanges
Liberals believe that companies compete economically, but states do not.
The key to national wealth and therefore national power is economic growth.
The key to economic growth is free trade
Liberals want the marketplace to make the economic decisions, not the government.
all economic decisions should be made by the marketplace – the free market.
Overall success is due to substantial gains that can be realized though trade. This gains result from comparative advantage
Currently, the US is the leading liberal state in the world.
- Economic nationalism
Use of economics to influence international power and relative standing in the international system
Form of mercantilism
States compete economically
Nationalists see companies as elements of a state’s power.
Free trade only benefits the wealthiest, most advanced nations.
nly the advanced or “mature” industries will defeat less advanced or “infant” industries. Therefore free trade helps the rich get richer and the less advanced stay less advanced.
For the less advanced nations there needs to be an alternative way of getting rich. Free trade won’t lead to riches.
- Economic structuralism
both are concerned with the international division of labor created by capitalism. Both theories see that division of labor as unfair, creating categories of rich and poor people and rich and poor nations.
Reject capitalism completely
Karl marx and Friedrich Engels
Reform capitalism
- Globalization
Liberal and Nationalist economies vs. Marxist economies / relatively free traders vs. economies closed off to trade
Nations were seen as either communists allied with the USSR and using command economies or allies of the US with capitalist economies.
The economic struggle was one over how best to organize economic life: should nations choose capitalism or communism.
method pursued by the Four Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong – the only four economies to go from poor to rich since WW II
It is a strategy used by most nations in the world and has lead to huge wealth and job creation.