Trabajo Sobre El Estrés En Inglés
Enviado por luquita96 • 28 de Julio de 2013 • 861 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 1.855 Visitas
It is said in many psychological studies that more and more teenagers are living with a constant stress or in stressful situations, instead of what is thought among the people. Any adult who doubts that teenage stress is a real problem affecting a large number of teenagers, only needs to cast their mind back to their own teenage years and recall their own experiences to realize how prevalent teenage stress is, and how difficult it can be. In recent years, the amount of stress in young people’s lives seems to be increasing, and stress seems to be present in their lives earlier and earlier.
The causes of teenage stress may appear trivial by comparison to the stresses which people experience as adults, which are associated with their responsibilities or work. However, to teenagers their suffering is very real, and can be very difficult to deal with.
Most teens experience more stress when they perceive a situation as dangerous, difficult, or painful and they do not have the resources to deal with. Some sources of stress for teens might include:
• School demands and frustrations
• Negative thoughts and feelings about themselves
• Changes in their bodies
• Problems with friends and/or peers at school
• Unsafe living environment/neighborhood
• Separation or divorce of parents
• Chronic illness or severe problems in the family
• Death of a loved one
• Moving or changing schools
• Taking on too many activities or having too high expectations
• Family financial problems
Some teens become overloaded with stress. When it happens, inadequately managed stress can lead to anxiety, withdrawal, aggression, physical illness, or poor coping skills such as drug and/or alcohol use.
Signs an adolescent is overloaded:
• Increased complaints of headache,
• stomachache, muscle pain, tiredness
• Shutting down and withdrawing from people and activities
• Increased anger or irritability; i.e.,
• lashing out at people and situations
• Crying more often and appearing teary-eyed
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Chronic anxiety and nervousness
• Changes in sleeping and eating habits,
• insomnia or being “too busy” to eat
• Difficulty concentrating
Several strategies can help teens with their stress. It is best, whenever possible, to help teens address stressful situations immediately. Listen to them, be open, and realize that you can be supportive even if you cannot relate to what they are feeling.
• Talk about problems with others
• Take deep breaths, accompanied by thinking or saying aloud,
• Perform progressive muscle relaxation, which involves repeatedly tensing and relaxing large muscles of the body
• Exercise and