- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tratamiento de a basura (ingles)

Enviado por   •  3 de Marzo de 2016  •  Trabajo  •  274 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  218 Visitas

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All generate large amounts of waste in our home. It is important to try to be attentive and decrease the amount of things we throw away trash, because there things that others may find them useful

Some tips to better manage and reduce our waste.

 - If you have clothes, toys, furniture, etc that longer use and is in good condition, you can donate it to a church, NGOS or e.g. use the network freecycle that allows you to exchange objects free on the internet.

-You can publish in any local environment a notice informing that you give a particular material or object, since it may be important and useful to others, oddly enough. There are people who use all kinds of materials as raw materials to make works of art, recycled, objects, etc

-Fix if you can the machinery and electrical products. In case of having to dispose of them, take them to a recycling center or people who recycle this type of elements so that they are not sent to landfills for waste.

-Is well used objects and appliances to lengthen its useful life and verify before you buy if you can recycle once they no longer serve

-Animate to come to a fair American used clothing, antique houses since you can find old objects but in good condition or parts of them that can help fix what you have in your House and so avoid dropping it.

To solve the problem of urban waste is required all members of the community individuals, businesses and the State. All working and looking for different creative ways to reduce the generation of waste and recycle what can not be reused.


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