- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Una Verdad Incomoda

Enviado por   •  6 de Abril de 2013  •  1.046 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  261 Visitas

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I will write about my plans for the future.

When I finish this and the following year of study, I'm going to study at a university Rovira i Virgili, I will certainly consider a medical career or something related to biology.

In the holidays I'm going traveling with my friends, destination Japan or the U.S. I prefer to visit Japan because I want to see their culture, but still have not decided. We planned to go to Tokyo to visit, or if we go to America for go to party.

These are all plans, It just needs be achievable.


I will write about my plans for the future.

When I finish this and the following year of study, I'm going to study at a university Rovira i Virgili, I will certainly consider a medical career or something related to biology.

In the holidays I'm going traveling with my friends, destination Japan or the U.S. I prefer to visit Japan because I want to see their culture, but still have not decided. We planned to go to Tokyo to visit, or if we go to America for go to party.

These are all plans, It just needs be achievable.Future

I will write about my plans for the future.

When I finish this and the following year of study, I'm going to study at a university Rovira i Virgili, I will certainly consider a medical career or something related to biology.

In the holidays I'm going traveling with my friends, destination Japan or the U.S. I prefer to visit Japan because I want to see their culture, but still have not decided. We planned to go to Tokyo to visit, or if we go to America for go to party.

These are all plans, It just needs be achievable.Future

I will write about my plans for the future.

When I finish this and the following year of study, I'm going to study at a university Rovira i Virgili, I will certainly consider a medical career or something related to biology.

In the holidays I'm going traveling with my friends, destination Japan or the U.S. I prefer to visit Japan because I want to see their culture, but still have not decided. We planned to go to Tokyo to visit, or if we go to America for go to party.

These are all plans, It just needs be achievable.Future

I will write about my plans for the future.

When I finish this and the following year of study, I'm going to study at a university Rovira i Virgili, I will certainly consider a medical career or something related to biology.

In the holidays I'm going traveling with my friends, destination Japan or the U.S. I prefer to visit Japan because I want to see their culture, but still have not decided. We planned to go to Tokyo to visit, or if we go to America for go to party.

These are all plans, It just needs be achievable.Future

I will write about my plans for the future.

When I finish this and the following year of study, I'm going to study at a university Rovira i Virgili, I will certainly consider a medical career or something related to biology.

In the holidays


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