- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  10 de Octubre de 2015  •  Tarea  •  265 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  294 Visitas

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Tobe Am/Are/is Was/Were Been Ser o Estar

To Bear Bear Bore Borne Sustentar

To Beat Beat Beat Beat Golpear/Batir

To Become Become Became Became Convertirse

To Begin Begin Began Began Comenzar

To Bend Bend Bent Bent Tomar

To Bind Bind Bound Bound Atar

To Bite Bite Bit Bitter Morder

To Bleed Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar

To Blow Blow Blew Blown Soplar

To Break Break Broke Broken Romper

To Bring Bring Brought Brought Traer

To Build Build Built Built Construir

To Burn Burn Burt/Burned Burnt /Burned Quemar

To Burst Burst Burst Burst Reventar/Romper

To buy buy Bought Bought Comprar

To Catch Catch Caught Caught Capturar

To Chose Choose Chose Chosen Elegir

To Come Come Came Come Venir

To Cost Cost Cost Cost Costar

To creep Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse

To Cut Cut Cut Cut Cortar

To deal Deal Dealt Dealt Negociar

To Dig Dig Dug Dug Cavar

To Do Do Did Done Hacer

To Draw Draw Drew Drown Dibujar

To Dream Dream Dreamt/Dreamed Dreamt/Dreamed Soñar

To Drink Drink Drank Drunk Beber

To Drive Drive Drove Driven Manejar

To Eat Eat Ate Eaten Comer

To fall Fall Fell Fallen Caida/Caer

To feed Feed Fed Fed Alimentarse

To feel Fell Felt Felt Sentir

To Fight Fight Fought Fought Pelea

To Find Find Found Found Encontrar


To Fly Fly Flew Flown Volar

To Forbid Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir/Impedir

To forget Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar

To Forgive Forgive Forgave Forgiven Olvidar

To Freeze Freeze Froze Frozen Congelar

To Get Get Got Got Obtener

To give Give Gave Given Dar

To go Go Went Gone Ir

To Grind Grind Ground Ground Moler/Machacar

To Grow Grow Grew Ground Crecer

To hang Hang Hung/Hanged Hung/Hanged Colgar

To Have Have Had Had Tener

To Hear Hear Heard Heard Oír

To Hide Hide Hid Hidder Esconder

To Spail Spail Spoiled/Spoiled Spoiled/Spoiled Estropear/Arruinar

To Spread Spread Spread Spread Esperar

To Spring Spring Sprang Sprung Brotar

To stand Stand Stood Stood Levantarse

To Steal Steal Stoke Stolen Robar

To Stick Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar

To Sting Sting Stung Stong Picar

To Strive Strike Struck Struck Golpear

To Swep Swep Swept Swept Barrer

To Swell Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar

To swear Swear Swore Sworn Vestir

To Swim Swim Swan Swom Nadar / Flotar

To swing Swing Swing Swung Balancearse

To take Take Took Taken Tomar


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