Verbos regulares pronuntiation.
Enviado por ianellamigliore • 17 de Octubre de 2016 • Tarea • 4.396 Palabras (18 Páginas) • 353 Visitas
Regular verbs pronunciation
How would you pronounce the following verbs in simple past tense?
¿Cómo pronunciarías los siguientes verbos en el pasado simple?
Completa los círculos, eligiendo la correcta pronunciación al final de los verbos.
Recuerda las regles vistas en clase.
verb /t/ /d/ /id/ Accepted O O O AddedO O O Agreed O O O Answered O O O Believed O O O Closed O O O Cooked O O O Died O O O Discussed O O O Educated O O O Erased O O O Excused O O O Fried O O O Hoped O O O Introduced O O O Lied O O O Loved O O O missed O O O |
Read the following text and share it in the class
Lee el siguiente texto y compártelo en clase
When I studied at college, I used to see the whiteboard, the billboard and the bookcase. My favorite books were about biology, physics, and math. Additionally, I accepted to study in a language group. I liked to learn Spanish and French. I had two wonderful friends Mary and john;they loved geography and English as well. My favorite teacher was Mr. Rybak, who liked read a lot of history books, once he brought around thirty books in order to give us as a gift.
Some days my friends and I used to go to the school garden for reading and getting fun. Mrs. Collins, the director, was a very strict woman, but despite of it, she used to smile everywhere.
Oh! What a wonderful days were those ones.
Classroom vocabulary Vocabulario del salón de clases)
Teacher (ti...cher) (maestro, profesor).
Student (student) (estudiante).
Boy (boi) (niño, muchacho).
Girl (grl) (niña, muchacha).
Chair (cher) (silla).
Book (buk) (libro).
Table (teibl) (mesa).
Notebook (notbuk) (libreta).
Pen (pen) (lapicero).
Péncil (péncil) (lápiz).
Eraser (iwreiser) (borrador).
Chalk (cholk) (gis, tiza).
Blackboard (blackbord) (pizarrón).
Chalkboard (cholkbord) (pizarrón para tiza).
Marker (marker) (marcador).
Péncil sharpener (pénsil sharpener) (sacapuntas).
Rule (wrul) (regla).
Color (color) (color).
Sheet (shi..t) (hoja de cuaderno, lámina o sabana).
Page (peich) (página).
Wall (wol) (pared, muro).
Classroom (claswrum) (salón de clases).
Floor (flo...r) (piso).
Window (windou) (ventana).
Picture (pictur) (cuadro, pintura, película).
Poster (poster) (poster, cartel).
Sign (saign) (signo, señal, símbolo).
Paper (peiper) (papel).
Ceiling fan (ciling fan) (ventilador de techo).
Explanation (explaneishion) (explicación).
Doubt (daubt) (duda).
Air conditioner (eir condishioner) (aire acondicionado).
Péncil case (péncil keis) (lapicera).
Trash can (trash can) (bote de basura) = trash bin (trash bin).
Exam (exam) (examen).
Door (do..r) (puerta).
Box (box) (caja).
Exercise (exersais) (ejercicio).
Homework (jomwork) (tarea).
Lock (lock) (cerradura).
Key (ki) (llave).
Switch (switch) (interruptor).
Welcome class (welcom clas) (bienvenido a clases).
Flag (flag) (bandera).
Clock (clock) (reloj "de pared").
Outlet (autlet) (tomacorriente, enchufe).
Game (gueim) (juego).
Locker (loker) (armario).
Telephone (telefon) (teléfono).
Computer (compiuter) (computadora).
Hall (jol) (pasillo).
Loose leaf paper (lu..s li..f peiper) (hoja suelta de papel).
Ring binder (ring bainder) (carpeta).
Spiral notebook (spaiwral notbuk) (cuaderno de espiral).
Glue (glu) (pegamento).
Scissors (sisors) (tijeras).
Brush (brush) (brocha).
Ballpoint pen (bolpoint pen) (bolígrafo).
Thumbtack (dumbtack) (tachuela).
Text book (text buk) (libro de texto).
Practice (practis) (práctica).
Study (studi) (estudio).