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Are The "Millennials The Dumbest Generation?

Enviado por   •  11 de Diciembre de 2013  •  423 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  581 Visitas

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Millennials are not genius, just people with passion to make it happen. Pioneers of finding

new better tools and resources to build extraordinary organizations and social movements, this

is a generation of people who is more open minded and anybody can do anything. They are

more vocal about their goals, more outward about wanting to be valued, and more willing to

move on if you are not offering what someone else will. Millenials are more confident and

connected than ever before.

Social media have become indispensable "new digital world really is changing the way

young people engage with information," (Drutman 2), becoming in the most important channel,

because these channels let you choose who to follow and what king of information want to

receive. Interacting all day but almost entirely through a screen, sitting next to one another and

texting "Instagramming their dang salads" (Petri 8), they like to share what they are involve with

enjoy showing off - the things going into their lives, which give them content that something

belongs to them. This is a generation who don’t remember a time before Google, and its able to

take advantage by voicing their passion "entering in a world where nobody has to stick with

anything that bores" and spread the word on effective and beneficial campaigns.

Baby boomers are the largest generation seeking for challenge, work life balance is

important. Concerned with making a difference, full of high expectations for themselves,

preferring to work in teams, rather than as individuals "They are enormously clever and

resourceful," (Hagel 1), well educated, skilled in technology, able to multitask and with plenty of

energy. Creating a change in how work gets done, master of digital communication "They are

tech savvy," (Hagel 1) their objectives is to do well by doing good. Millenials are interested to get

a feedback on their performance, they want to know they are doing a good job. Posting pictures

from everywhere looking for approval "only takes "yes" for an answer" (Hagel 1) facing a massive

fear of feeling the "pain of missing out" (Drutman 1).

Confident, liberal and racially diverse than others. Embracing multiples modes of

expression, millenials have created a profile on a social networking, have a tattoo or a piercing

other than an earlobe "totally ironic T-Shirt "Gif Me," (Petri 2). Millenials are more likely to say

that technology makes life easier, give them the ability to connect with people internationally,

they no longer have to marry someone from their same town or country. They were "raised by

doting parents who told them they are special," (Hagel 1), have come in a age


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