Enviado por LORENZAAA • 2 de Noviembre de 2014 • 452 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 247 Visitas
Good Morning Delegates and Honorable Chair;
Throughout the years we have had many problems with animal rights. We are here today as the United Nations to create solutions. We must take persistent actions in order to reach them. Animal rights are a problem that has spread all throughout the world and we have been unable to stop it or to control it. Although many of the countries here present have an extreme problem with this topic, for the developing countries the problem is even bigger. Suddenly it looks like animal rights it’s a topic that all around the world is starting to improve and to take control over the past few years.
Through history circuses have been a source of entertainment for humans. Circuses have increased throughout the years, but along with that violence towards animals has also increased. This past year’s people have started to be aware about this important topic. There are captive breeding programs, carried out by zoos and conservation centers, dedicated to raising wild animals or exotic species under controlled conditions. They are suppliers of animals to other zoos and circuses. The trafficking in protected species is a fairly common way to get animals for circuses. The illegal wildlife trade is a profitable business that moves about 6 billion annually, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). When animals come from illegal trade are captured by poachers, usually they kidnap the pups after killing of his family. These animals have two destinations or death on the road, or confinement for life in the circuses.
According to studies by Animal Defenders International (ADI) on the practices of circuses worldwide (Animals in Traveling Circuses: The Science on Suffering, 2008) we know that:
• The horses and ponies spend up to 96% of the strings attached to short lengths of time.
• Tigers and lions spend between 75 and 99 % of the time in cages placed on trucks.
• Elephants spend from 58 to 98 % less time chained to one leg.
The current number of animal trafficking is beyond our hands, and our government considers important to stop the use of animals as an entertainment on circuses in order to stop animal trafficking. This same situation is happening to many developing countries, making us look weak. We have tried to stop it, but it is beyond our hands, international action must be taken immediately.
The delegation of México invites all of the delegations here reunited to realize and to raise awareness of what is happening with animals through our planet so we can create solutions towards our topic.
Delegates I must remind you all that we have the opportunity to eradicate this problem, hopefully we will reach the best solutions of all. Thank You for your attention.