- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Children as sleves.

Enviado por   •  2 de Julio de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  948 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  295 Visitas

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Children as sleves.

In Latin America works 1 in 5 children aged between 5 and 14 years in Africa 1 in 3, in Asia 1 in 2. In the European Union, are two million, especially in areas shaken by ultraliberal structurations as the UK but also in other socially advanced (?) countries such as Denmark, Holland and France masked child labor exists in the form of apprenticeship contracts. In Italy the semi-literate children work in supermarkets, making clothes imitation, selling heroin ... In our country there would be about one million working children under 16 years.

    Of every two poor children, you work like a slave in exchange for food or little more: selling trinkets on the streets, it is the free labor of the workshops, family saloons and countryside. Also it is in debt bondage, in sweatshops, in domestic service and the informal economy. Children are hand cheaper labor in export industries that manufacture consumer products for large stores in the world: pesticides (Baygon), cosmetics (Christian Dior), clothing, shoes (Nike, Reebock) or toys. Most orders dolls in Hong Kong comes from the US; when Christmas approaches, the direction of the Kader factory forced to do 24-hour shifts with two short breaks for food. According to one of the leaders, if things were managed differently, "we would close the factory and would transfer to Thailand or the Philippines." In fact, Mattel toys, Lego or Chicco 80% come from China, Indonesia and Thailand. And in Haiti, workers sewed for Walt Disney to 20p an hour.

     And the other child ?. Of every two poor children, one spare. The market does not need it: would the millions of street children in the world, "meninnos da rua", the "street children", the "moths", the "canallitas" subject to violence, prostitution, alcohol or other drugs.



    We are conveying the idea that the market is freedom ... when you have money. Who do not buy there. What fate then owners have nothing in a world where the right to private property is becoming the only sacred right ?. Why a few live in luxury while the rest is doomed to poverty and oppression ?.

    Poor children are most fiercely suffer the contradiction between our culture that sends consuming and a reality that forbids it. Hunger forces to steal, prostitutirse or to work as slaves, but also the consumer society offering insults denying them.

     This system, which promotes individualism and competitiveness, is the culprit; a system that considers the worker only as a cost to lower and to allow the enrichment of the company, in which the law of profit is erected in divine law: at the foot of the altar the sacrifices of children are offered and dignity human. Therefore, a child in the Third World, is working for 8 months, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, in conditions of undernourishment, performing repetitive work with flammable and unhealthy products to acquire it receives at Christmas a child US only


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