- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Como se da La politica y moral de norberto bobbio

Enviado por   •  18 de Abril de 2018  •  Resumen  •  522 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  147 Visitas

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Bullying or school harassment, refers to the psychological, physical or verbal abuse suffered by children and young who are cruelly abused by another person or by others, with the purpose of intimidating, scaring, damaging and nevertheless the bully obtain an advantage through the intimidation.

The victim of bullying, in most cases, is excluded from society due to the constant verbal, physical and mental abuse that the same receives. It can be given both in the school environment and through social networks, this is known as cyberbullying. The bullies are responsible for bothering through the Internet, with intimidating emails, the dissemination of retouched photographs, the creation of web pages with aggressive content.

The type of harassment that currently dominates most acts of this type is the emotional type. Generally, it occurs in the classroom and on the school playground. Victims are children, generally entering adolescence and I've put four forms of bullying

Harassment: Within this group are the lack of respect the child, and the constant need to denigrate his person and his dignity. Some typical examples are mocking, bother, ridiculing, being cruel, burst out laughing, etc

Manipulation the environment: The stalker seeks to put others against the child. Distort the image to convince others to reject it. They make the child with an erroneous image of what is, present it as something negative and invent things that the victim has not done or said only to put them against him. there are children that see eye to eye, even involuntarily, assuming that the child deserves the harassment that is suffering.

Pressure: The stalker take total control of the victim

Social exclusion: Is the set of "you do not" behaviors. The harasser is responsible for disparaging to the child so that all their participation in society is totally excluded. Isolates it, prohibits its expression and participation in school games, Is important that you pay attention some indications that the children suffer

• The teenager once in a blue moon has sudden mood swings.

• He is afraid of going to school and that is why he always makes excuses to miss class.

• There is a significant change in what school performance is.

• Hardly he does not talk about his day to day

On the other hand, this situation can lead to thoughts about suicide and even its materialization in summary bullying is any type of physical, psychological or verbal abuse among students. This abuse can generate very serious consequences in people.


1.- good family communication: communication in which  parents and children share thoughts and feelings about themselves

2.- Workshops for parent: teach them how to perceive bullying and that forms there are to combat it correctly


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