- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo Erick Daniel Suarez Morales

Enviado por   •  10 de Noviembre de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  306 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  317 Visitas

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Erick Daniel Suarez Morales


At the beginning of the course we have seen the branches where the English language born it is divided in Proto-Indo-European that is composed by Helenic, Greek, Germanic and Italic. In the Germanic languages we can find in the West: Anglo-frissian, Old English, Middle English and Modern English.

We have talked about Julio Cesar because the Romans invaded Britain at 55 B.C, and the language begins with the constitution of language from the laws.

We talked about the similarities of words between languages like: English, Latin, Greek, Celtic, Lithuanian and Sanskrit.

Too we talked about the common word-stock of the Indo-European language that provides most of the evidence:

Because there are no common names for tropical trees or plants. We can include words for crocodiles, elephants, lions, etc,

But we can see similarities for words like winter and snow but not for, monsoon or jungle and we can add ocean, exist common words for domestic animals: dogs, pigs, horses, cows, sheep but not for donkeys, goats and camels. All of this information that we can find talking about similarities and differences is because the origins of context properly named the kind of words that will be used, the language is flexible. The last class it talk about Anglo Saxons that becomes in the fifth century it was a period that denotes the period of the British history, the Anglo-Saxon capitalism so called because it is practiced in English-Speaking countries such as the United Kingdom and The United states. The other presentation talked about Manchester United: It is the English club with the largest number of followers and has achieved more titles, we can meet about their history, members and dates that they get an achievement.

To reinforce our knowledge we have talk again about the comparatives and superlatives including the affix, suffix and prefix.

20/ Agosto/ 2015



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