Golpe De Estado Chile
Enviado por ignacio330 • 26 de Febrero de 2015 • 609 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 309 Visitas
The decade of the 70s for the government of Chile were very hard years because of some specific actions that happened, the most important is the putsch to the current president in the moment Salvador Allende. The putsch in Chile was done in September 11 of 1973, it was a military action leaded by the armed forces of Chile, who were conformed by the navy of Chile, the air force and the army, in combination of the carabineers of Chile, and their goal was to overthrow the socialist regime that was being performed by Salvador Allende.
The government of the president Salvador Allende started on November 4 of 1970, and was interrupted by a putsch on 1973, he was elected president of Chile in his fourth attempt to get there so the elections could be successful. He reached 36 percent against 34 against his main opponent Jorge Alessandri Rodriguez. The election of Allende as president in Chile was the first step of the whole problem that happened in Chile. After this the government of the Unidad popular started, with this other factors come in such as the violence in the streets, when the groups in opposition to the government started to make manifestations the chaos in the streets begin to grow in order that it reach the highest part of the society, the most rich people in Chile started to make part of the manifestations. Such fights finished with just many people with severe injuries and some deaths. After this the political groups started with a kind of campaign in which sponsored by the CIA they wanted to attack the Unidad popular in order to finish it, but after many attempts they were not able to reach that goal so they decided to start with another kind of campaign of destructing bombs and other kind of terrorist actions, but the chaos was not just from the extreme right but also the extreme left started to take factories outside Santiago and started to make people to fear the groups such as MIR or MAPU which where the mayor ones.
Then there was a very important event and is the fall of the general prats, one day a bunch of people gets out of his house and start screaming to him and to the other generals that where present and to the same Allende, after this he decided to quit and ask Allende to promote the general Pinochet into his charge because he is supposed to be one of the cleanest military´s in Chile. On August 22 the Chamber of Deputies in which the opposition had a majority, approves a text that indicates the existence of a serious breach of the constitutional and legal order of the Republic; caused by the refusal of the Executive to issue constitutional reform of the three areas of the economy, despite having been approved by Congress, and acting against the constitution but there existed one way: constitutional accusation by the procedure expressly contemplated by the State Constitution but this procedure never took place.
During the government of Salvador Allende, the media played a very important role in the