Ley En Arizona Homosexualidad
Enviado por diegoguichard5 • 2 de Marzo de 2014 • 586 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 249 Visitas
This article was written by the Spanish journal “El País”, it talks about a controversial bill that was passed a few weeks ago in the state of Arizona in the United States. The new law in Arizona says that even if a homosexual client makes a lawsuit against a business for not providing him services, the owner of the business will be legally protected and the lawsuit will not make it through. The owners can embrace their religious beliefs and therefore legally deny service to homosexual costumers without being legally prosecuted according to this new law. The republican governor of the state, Jan Brewer, has received lots of negative media and has been alerted of the negative consequences that the law could have in the state of Arizona.
Concerning the negative consequences of this law, three giant companies, American Airlines, the Marriott hotel chain and the multinational corporation Apple, have asked to revoke it and continue to make strong pressure against it. According to them a law that restrains the access to homosexuals to services will harm the economy of the state, an economy that has already been weakened by recession.
The international hotel chain, Marriott, with hotels all over the US says that the law will have a negative impact in the hotel industry in Arizona, and therefore, a negative impact on the economy.
Apple has a plan of opening a big factory in Arizona, and for them this law would mean a decrease in business.
American Airlines apart from recalling the tough years of recession says that business is always better when there are open doors for everyone and that this law sends the wrong message.
With this article we are able to see that globally, and taking in account the opinion of big international companies, this law has had a really negative impact on social opinions.
Apple y American Airlines presionan contra una ley que niega servicios a gays
La gobernadora de Arizona, Jan Brewer. EFE/Archivo / EFE
Grandes firmas estadounidenses como el gigante tecnológico Apple, la compañía aérea American Airlines y la prestigiosa cadena hotelera Marriott, pidieron hoy a la gobernadora de Arizona que vete una ley que permite a los empresarios acogerse a sus creencias religiosas para negar servicios a los homosexuales.
Las cartas y llamadas de estas tres grandes compañías, que alertaron de las consecuencias negativas de la ley en la economía del estado, son parte de las más de 10.000 comunicaciones que recibió la oficina de la gobernadora republicana Jan Brewer durante el lunes, informó una portavoz de su equipo.
El parlamento estatal de Arizona aprobó la semana pasada esta controvertida ley que, en la práctica, ampara legalmente a los dueños de negocios para que puedan aducir razones de