- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Position Paper de IOM

Enviado por   •  3 de Mayo de 2023  •  Trabajo  •  380 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  55 Visitas

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Country: Republic of Poland


Committee: United Nations International Organization for Migration

Topic: South America and the Caribbean Migrant Crisis.

Good afternoon honorable chair and fellow delegates, on behalf of the president of Poland Andrzej Duda and the people of this great country, this delegation would like to thank the chair for the invitation to this committee and encourages all the members present to debate so we as an international committee can find a solution for this pressing issue as soon as possible.

In the last two years there have been huge waves of migrants all over the world, this is due to the great economic crisis caused by the Sars-Cov 2; most of the affected countries are from the Caribbean and all of South America, causing large waves of immigrants. Europe has had to deal with an increasing number of asylum seekers, as part of the well-known "refugee and migration crisis". At the end of 2018, the 27 member states of the European Union had 2.4 million refugees and refugees alike and 860,000 asylum seekers.

According to the UN, there are 655,985 immigrants living in Poland, which represents 1.73% of the population of Poland. Immigrants in Poland come mainly from Ukraine, 33.34%, Germany, 12.32% and Belarus, 12.26%. In recent years, the number of immigrants living in Poland has increased by 15,048 people, 2.35%. Emigrants from Poland travel mainly to Germany, where 40.14% go, followed far behind by the United Kingdom, 20.55%, and the United States, 9.60%. The main factors in choosing a country as a destination for emigration are the decision of the host countries to liberalize their labor markets, geographical location and the most important the current war that has generate 1,1 million people of refuges with medical problems.

For these reasons this delegation urges the committee to work together to find a solution to this pressing issue that is affecting Poland. This delegation would like to present the following solutions:

• This delegation proposes to help with transportation resources, financial services, housing, and access to social services to the people and guarantee the access to medical services.

• Request the help of the ONU to implement an assistance program to establish centers that help refugees receive cash aid, and medical services.

• Increase the research-related jobs so the immigrants can have the opportunity to apport the economy of Poland.


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