Preparing young people for the future working lives
Enviado por 32saaraa • 15 de Octubre de 2023 • Tarea • 254 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 47 Visitas
Preparing young people for the future working lives
Nowadays, there is a debate on how children can be prepare for their jobs in the future. It is one of the essentials goals of school education to ensure that pupils are well prepared for their future lives in the workplace. There are some strategies to emphasize this issue: providing information about jobs and teaching practical skills.
There are many different ways in which schools can work towards achieving this aim.Firstly, providing pupils with information about different careers is essential. It is important to know before start working in any job to inform more about the different options and degrees in which we can work. If in schools they do not infom well, then when we want to choose a job it will be difficult.
Another way in which schools can prepare youngsters for their working lives is making sure that pupils learn basic practical skills. Schools should put subjects that can be interesting and also that they can be useful for the future. One example is that currently when we make an exam, the goal is to memorize all the information and once the exam is done, we forget everything. For this reason, we have to learn things that in the future can serve as learning.
In conclusion, if we want to make a better society in the section of working in the future, we should try to highlight the things we have to improve and change school subjects that we think it will not help us.