Subdivisiones del ISO 3166
Enviado por Edy Josué Alvarado • 20 de Enero de 2020 • Síntesis • 3.634 Palabras (15 Páginas) • 398 Visitas
La empresa “Electro Express” es una empresa nueva en Guatemala, dedicada a la elaboración de productos electrónicos para los guatemaltecos y guatemaltecas.
Se están iniciando labores en el país y se quiere proveer la mejor experiencia al cliente teniendo todo lo necesario para proveerla como lo son conocimientos en el ISO 3166, servicios en la nube para clientes con cuentas, firma electrónica, inteligencia artificial para ayuda en línea y DLNA. / IOT. En este trabajo se presentara como la empresa implementara esto al ámbito laboral interno, para el comercio y sus clientes.
ISO 3166
Es un estándar publicado por la Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO) que define códigos para los nombres de países, territorios dependientes, áreas especiales de interés geográfico y sus subdivisiones principales (por ejemplo, provincias o estados). El nombre oficial de la norma es Códigos para la representación de nombres de países y sus subdivisiones.
- Subdivisiones del ISO 3166
Consta de tres partes:
- ISO 3166-1, Códigos para la representación de nombres de países y sus subdivisiones. Parte 1: Códigos de países, define códigos para los nombres de países, territorios dependientes y áreas especiales de interés geográfico. Define tres conjuntos de códigos de país:
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2: códigos de país de dos letras, que son los más utilizados de los tres, y los más utilizados para los dominios de nivel superior de código de país de Internet (con algunas excepciones). Ejemplo: www.electroexpress.GT
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-3: códigos de país de tres letras que permiten una mejor asociación visual entre los códigos y los nombres de los países que los códigos alpha-2. Ejemplo: www.electroexpress.GTM
- Código numérico ISO 3166-1: códigos de país de tres dígitos que son idénticos a los desarrollados y mantenidos por la División de Estadísticas de las Naciones Unidas, con la ventaja de la independencia del sistema de escritura (sistema de escritura), y por lo tanto, son útiles para personas o sistemas que utilizan scripts no latinos. www.electroexpress.320
- ISO 3166-2, Códigos para la representación de nombres de países y sus subdivisiones. Parte 2: Código de subdivisión de país, define códigos para los nombres de las subdivisiones principales (por ejemplo, provincias, estados, departamentos, regiones) de todos los países codificados en ISO 3166-1.
- ISO 3166-3, Códigos para la representación de nombres de países y sus subdivisiones. Parte 3: Código para nombres de países utilizados anteriormente, define códigos para nombres de países que han sido eliminados de ISO 3166-1 desde su primera publicación en 1974. Ejemplo: (nótese el código 3166-3 usa minúsculas para “gt”.
- Relación con el sistema de nombres de dominio y cómo funciona
En un inicio se crearon los dominios de primer nivel en Estados Unidos, donde se seguía la idea de separar los tipos de organización en gobierno (.GOB), educación (.EDU), comercial (.COM) y militar (.MIL). Se dejó espacio para las organizaciones que no correspondían a ninguna de estas categorías en un dominio (.ORG) y para los organismos internacionales (.INT). Luego se creó también un dominio para los proveedores de conectividad (.NET). Aparte de estos dominios, se acordó que existiera un dominio de primer nivel para cada país del mundo, siguiendo el código de dos letras ISO 3166. Aparte de estos dominios de primer nivel, existe también el dominio raíz de todos, que tiende a llamarse el dominio "punto" (.), y es el que delega estos dominios de primer nivel a ciertos servidores de nombres y organizaciones. Por ejemplo, en la empresa “Electro Express” creada para este proyecto o investigación si se quisiera utilizar un dominio para una pagina web para ventas en línea seria (si fuera una pagina comercial para la venta de nuestros productos), (si tuviéramos una división de caridad donde presentemos un proyecto en base a nuestros productos sin fines de lucro a partir de ellos), (si nuestra empresa fuera dedicada a la tecnología implementada a la educación) y por ultimo y el mas importante (si la nuestro comercio quisiera tener su pagina web representada con el código ISO correspondiente)
País | Nombre oficial | Soberanía | ISO 3166-1 | ISO 3166-2 | Internet ccTLD | ||
[pic 1] Guatemala | The Republic of Guatemala | UN member state | GT | GTM | 320 | ISO 3166-2:GT | .gt |
de los cuales también cada país tiene dominios como a partir del ISO 3166:
edu. educación
com. comercial
mil. militar
gob. gobierno
int. internacional
net. red
org. organización sin fines de lucro
- Indicar el total de países
Un total de 240 países, cada uno tiene su propio ISO 3166-1 y subdivisiones, ISO 3166-2 y Internet ccTLD.
Tabla con los dominios específicos de cada país.
ISO 3166[1] | Official state name[5] | Sovereignty[5][6][7] | ISO 3166-1[2] | ISO 3166-2[3] | Internet ccTLD[8] | ||
Country name[9] | Alpha-2 code[9] | Alpha-3 code[9] | Numeric code[9] | Subdivision code links[3] | |||
[pic 2] Afghanistan | The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan | UN member state | AF | AFG | 004 | ISO 3166-2:AF | .af |
[pic 3] Akrotiri and Dhekelia – See United Kingdom, The | |||||||
[pic 4] Åland Islands | Åland | Finland | AX | ALA | 248 | ISO 3166-2:AX | .ax |
[pic 5] Albania | The Republic of Albania | UN member state | AL | ALB | 008 | ISO 3166-2:AL | .al |
[pic 6] Algeria | The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria | UN member state | DZ | DZA | 012 | ISO 3166-2:DZ | .dz |
[pic 7] American Samoa | The Territory of American Samoa | United States | AS | ASM | 016 | ISO 3166-2:AS | .as |
[pic 8] Andorra | The Principality of Andorra | UN member state | AD | AND | 020 | ISO 3166-2:AD | .ad |
[pic 9] Angola | The Republic of Angola | UN member state | AO | AGO | 024 | ISO 3166-2:AO | .ao |
[pic 10] Anguilla | Anguilla | United Kingdom | AI | AIA | 660 | ISO 3166-2:AI | .ai |
[pic 11] Antarctica [a] | All land and ice shelves south of the 60th parallel south | Antarctic Treaty | AQ | ATA | 010 | ISO 3166-2:AQ | .aq |
[pic 12] Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda | UN member state | AG | ATG | 028 | ISO 3166-2:AG | .ag |
[pic 13] Argentina | The Argentine Republic | UN member state | AR | ARG | 032 | ISO 3166-2:AR | .ar |
[pic 14] Armenia | The Republic of Armenia | UN member state | AM | ARM | 051 | ISO 3166-2:AM | .am |
[pic 15] Aruba | Aruba | Netherlands | AW | ABW | 533 | ISO 3166-2:AW | .aw |
[pic 16] Ashmore and Cartier Islands – See Australia. | |||||||
[pic 17] Australia [b] | The Commonwealth of Australia | UN member state | AU | AUS | 036 | ISO 3166-2:AU | .au |
[pic 18] Austria | The Republic of Austria | UN member state | AT | AUT | 040 | ISO 3166-2:AT | .at |
[pic 19] Azerbaijan | The Republic of Azerbaijan | UN member state | AZ | AZE | 031 | ISO 3166-2:AZ | .az |
[pic 20] Bahamas (the) | The Commonwealth of The Bahamas | UN member state | BS | BHS | 044 | ISO 3166-2:BS | .bs |
[pic 21] Bahrain | The Kingdom of Bahrain | UN member state | BH | BHR | 048 | ISO 3166-2:BH | .bh |
[pic 22] Bangladesh | The People's Republic of Bangladesh | UN member state | BD | BGD | 050 | ISO 3166-2:BD | .bd |
[pic 23] Barbados | Barbados | UN member state | BB | BRB | 052 | ISO 3166-2:BB | .bb |
[pic 24] Belarus | The Republic of Belarus | UN member state | BY | BLR | 112 | ISO 3166-2:BY | .by |
[pic 25] Belgium | The Kingdom of Belgium | UN member state | BE | BEL | 056 | ISO 3166-2:BE | .be |
[pic 26] Belize | Belize | UN member state | BZ | BLZ | 084 | ISO 3166-2:BZ | .bz |
[pic 27] Benin | The Republic of Benin | UN member state | BJ | BEN | 204 | ISO 3166-2:BJ | .bj |
[pic 28] Bermuda | Bermuda | United Kingdom | BM | BMU | 060 | ISO 3166-2:BM | .bm |
[pic 29] Bhutan | The Kingdom of Bhutan | UN member state | BT | BTN | 064 | ISO 3166-2:BT | .bt |
[pic 30] Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | The Plurinational State of Bolivia | UN member state | BO | BOL | 068 | ISO 3166-2:BO | .bo |
[pic 31] Bonaire | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | Netherlands | BQ | BES | 535 | ISO 3166-2:BQ | .bq .nl [c] |
[pic 34] Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | UN member state | BA | BIH | 070 | ISO 3166-2:BA | .ba |
[pic 35] Botswana | The Republic of Botswana | UN member state | BW | BWA | 072 | ISO 3166-2:BW | .bw |
[pic 36] Bouvet Island | Bouvet Island | Norway | BV | BVT | 074 | ISO 3166-2:BV | [d] |
[pic 37] Brazil | The Federative Republic of Brazil | UN member state | BR | BRA | 076 | ISO 3166-2:BR | .br |
[pic 38] British Indian Ocean Territory (the) | The British Indian Ocean Territory | United Kingdom | IO | IOT | 086 | ISO 3166-2:IO | .io |
[pic 39] British Virgin Islands – See Virgin Islands (British). | |||||||
[pic 40] Brunei Darussalam [e] | The Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace | UN member state | BN | BRN | 096 | ISO 3166-2:BN | .bn |
[pic 41] Bulgaria | The Republic of Bulgaria | UN member state | BG | BGR | 100 | ISO 3166-2:BG | .bg |
[pic 42] Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | UN member state | BF | BFA | 854 | ISO 3166-2:BF | .bf |
[pic 43] Burma – See Myanmar. | |||||||
[pic 44] Burundi | The Republic of Burundi | UN member state | BI | BDI | 108 | ISO 3166-2:BI | .bi |
[pic 45] Cabo Verde [f] | The Republic of Cabo Verde | UN member state | CV | CPV | 132 | ISO 3166-2:CV | .cv |
[pic 46] Cambodia | The Kingdom of Cambodia | UN member state | KH | KHM | 116 | ISO 3166-2:KH | .kh |
[pic 47] Cameroon | The Republic of Cameroon | UN member state | CM | CMR | 120 | ISO 3166-2:CM | .cm |
[pic 48] Canada | Canada | UN member state | CA | CAN | 124 | ISO 3166-2:CA | .ca |
[pic 49] Cape Verde – See Cabo Verde. | |||||||
[pic 50] Caribbean Netherlands – See Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. | |||||||
[pic 51] Cayman Islands (the) | The Cayman Islands | United Kingdom | KY | CYM | 136 | ISO 3166-2:KY | .ky |
[pic 52] Central African Republic (the) | The Central African Republic | UN member state | CF | CAF | 140 | ISO 3166-2:CF | .cf |
[pic 53] Chad | The Republic of Chad | UN member state | TD | TCD | 148 | ISO 3166-2:TD | .td |
[pic 54] Chile | The Republic of Chile | UN member state | CL | CHL | 152 | ISO 3166-2:CL | .cl |
[pic 55] China | The People's Republic of China | UN member state | CN | CHN | 156 | ISO 3166-2:CN | .cn |
[pic 56] China, The Republic of – See Taiwan (Province of China). | |||||||
[pic 57] Christmas Island | The Territory of Christmas Island | Australia | CX | CXR | 162 | ISO 3166-2:CX | .cx |
[pic 58] Clipperton Island – See France. | |||||||
[pic 59] Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) | The Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Australia | CC | CCK | 166 | ISO 3166-2:CC | .cc |
[pic 60] Colombia | The Republic of Colombia | UN member state | CO | COL | 170 | ISO 3166-2:CO | .co |
[pic 61] Comoros (the) | The Union of the Comoros | UN member state | KM | COM | 174 | ISO 3166-2:KM | .km |
[pic 62] Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | UN member state | CD | COD | 180 | ISO 3166-2:CD | .cd |
[pic 63] Congo (the) [g] | The Republic of the Congo | UN member state | CG | COG | 178 | ISO 3166-2:CG | .cg |
[pic 64] Cook Islands (the) | The Cook Islands | New Zealand | CK | COK | 184 | ISO 3166-2:CK | .ck |
[pic 65] Coral Sea Islands – See Australia. | |||||||
[pic 66] Costa Rica | The Republic of Costa Rica | UN member state | CR | CRI | 188 | ISO 3166-2:CR | .cr |
[pic 67] Côte d'Ivoire [h] | The Republic of Côte d'Ivoire | UN member state | CI | CIV | 384 | ISO 3166-2:CI | .ci |
[pic 68] Croatia | The Republic of Croatia | UN member state | HR | HRV | 191 | ISO 3166-2:HR | .hr |
[pic 69] Cuba | The Republic of Cuba | UN member state | CU | CUB | 192 | ISO 3166-2:CU | .cu |
[pic 70] Curaçao | The Country of Curaçao | Netherlands | CW | CUW | 531 | ISO 3166-2:CW | .cw |
[pic 71] Cyprus | The Republic of Cyprus | UN member state | CY | CYP | 196 | ISO 3166-2:CY | .cy |
[pic 72] Czechia [i] | The Czech Republic | UN member state | CZ | CZE | 203 | ISO 3166-2:CZ | .cz |
[pic 73] Democratic People's Republic of Korea – See Korea, The Democratic People's Republic of. | |||||||
[pic 74] Democratic Republic of the Congo – See Congo, The Democratic Republic of the. | |||||||
[pic 75] Denmark | The Kingdom of Denmark | UN member state | DK | DNK | 208 | ISO 3166-2:DK | .dk |
[pic 76] Djibouti | The Republic of Djibouti | UN member state | DJ | DJI | 262 | ISO 3166-2:DJ | .dj |
[pic 77] Dominica | The Commonwealth of Dominica | UN member state | DM | DMA | 212 | ISO 3166-2:DM | .dm |
[pic 78] Dominican Republic (the) | The Dominican Republic | UN member state | DO | DOM | 214 | ISO 3166-2:DO | .do |
[pic 79] East Timor – See Timor-Leste. | |||||||
[pic 80] Ecuador | The Republic of Ecuador | UN member state | EC | ECU | 218 | ISO 3166-2:EC | .ec |
[pic 81] Egypt | The Arab Republic of Egypt | UN member state | EG | EGY | 818 | ISO 3166-2:EG | .eg |
[pic 82] El Salvador | The Republic of El Salvador | UN member state | SV | SLV | 222 | ISO 3166-2:SV | .sv |
[pic 83] England – See United Kingdom, The. | |||||||
[pic 84] Equatorial Guinea | The Republic of Equatorial Guinea | UN member state | GQ | GNQ | 226 | ISO 3166-2:GQ | .gq |
[pic 85] Eritrea | The State of Eritrea | UN member state | ER | ERI | 232 | ISO 3166-2:ER | .er |
[pic 86] Estonia | The Republic of Estonia | UN member state | EE | EST | 233 | ISO 3166-2:EE | .ee |
[pic 87] Eswatini [j] | The Kingdom of Eswatini | UN member state | SZ | SWZ | 748 | ISO 3166-2:SZ | .sz |
[pic 88] Ethiopia | The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia | UN member state | ET | ETH | 231 | ISO 3166-2:ET | .et |
[pic 89] Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas] [k] | The Falkland Islands | United Kingdom | FK | FLK | 238 | ISO 3166-2:FK | .fk |
[pic 90] Faroe Islands (the) | The Faroe Islands | Denmark | FO | FRO | 234 | ISO 3166-2:FO | .fo |
[pic 91] Fiji | The Republic of Fiji | UN member state | FJ | FJI | 242 | ISO 3166-2:FJ | .fj |
[pic 92] Finland | The Republic of Finland | UN member state | FI | FIN | 246 | ISO 3166-2:FI | .fi |
[pic 93] France [l] | The French Republic | UN member state | FR | FRA | 250 | ISO 3166-2:FR | .fr |
[pic 94] French Guiana | Guyane | France | GF | GUF | 254 | ISO 3166-2:GF | .gf |
[pic 95] French Polynesia | French Polynesia | France | PF | PYF | 258 | ISO 3166-2:PF | .pf |
[pic 96] French Southern Territories (the) [m] | The French Southern and Antarctic Lands | France | TF | ATF | 260 | ISO 3166-2:TF | .tf |
[pic 97] Gabon | The Gabonese Republic | UN member state | GA | GAB | 266 | ISO 3166-2:GA | .ga |
[pic 98] Gambia (the) | The Republic of The Gambia | UN member state | GM | GMB | 270 | ISO 3166-2:GM | .gm |
[pic 99] Georgia | Georgia | UN member state | GE | GEO | 268 | ISO 3166-2:GE | .ge |
[pic 100] Germany | The Federal Republic of Germany | UN member state | DE | DEU | 276 | ISO 3166-2:DE | .de |
[pic 101] Ghana | The Republic of Ghana | UN member state | GH | GHA | 288 | ISO 3166-2:GH | .gh |
[pic 102] Gibraltar | Gibraltar | United Kingdom | GI | GIB | 292 | ISO 3166-2:GI | .gi |
[pic 103] Great Britain – See United Kingdom, The. | |||||||
[pic 104] Greece | The Hellenic Republic | UN member state | GR | GRC | 300 | ISO 3166-2:GR | .gr |
[pic 105] Greenland | Kalaallit Nunaat | Denmark | GL | GRL | 304 | ISO 3166-2:GL | .gl |
[pic 106] Grenada | Grenada | UN member state | GD | GRD | 308 | ISO 3166-2:GD | .gd |
[pic 107] Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe | France | GP | GLP | 312 | ISO 3166-2:GP | .gp |
[pic 108] Guam | The Territory of Guam | United States | GU | GUM | 316 | ISO 3166-2:GU | .gu |
[pic 109] Guatemala | The Republic of Guatemala | UN member state | GT | GTM | 320 | ISO 3166-2:GT | .gt |
[pic 110] Guernsey | The Bailiwick of Guernsey | British Crown | GG | GGY | 831 | ISO 3166-2:GG | .gg |
[pic 111] Guinea | The Republic of Guinea | UN member state | GN | GIN | 324 | ISO 3166-2:GN | .gn |
[pic 112] Guinea-Bissau | The Republic of Guinea-Bissau | UN member state | GW | GNB | 624 | ISO 3166-2:GW | .gw |
[pic 113] Guyana | The Co-operative Republic of Guyana | UN member state | GY | GUY | 328 | ISO 3166-2:GY | .gy |
[pic 114] Haiti | The Republic of Haiti | UN member state | HT | HTI | 332 | ISO 3166-2:HT | .ht |
[pic 115] Hawaiian Islands – See United States of America, The. | |||||||
[pic 116] Heard Island and McDonald Islands | The Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Australia | HM | HMD | 334 | ISO 3166-2:HM | .hm |
[pic 117] Holy See (the) [n] | The Holy See | UN observer | VA | VAT | 336 | ISO 3166-2:VA | .va |
[pic 118] Honduras | The Republic of Honduras | UN member state | HN | HND | 340 | ISO 3166-2:HN | .hn |
[pic 119] Hong Kong | The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China[10] | China | HK | HKG | 344 | ISO 3166-2:HK | .hk |
[pic 120] Hungary | Hungary | UN member state | HU | HUN | 348 | ISO 3166-2:HU | .hu |
[pic 121] Iceland | Iceland | UN member state | IS | ISL | 352 | ISO 3166-2:IS | .is |
[pic 122] India | The Republic of India | UN member state | IN | IND | 356 | ISO 3166-2:IN | .in |
[pic 123] Indonesia | The Republic of Indonesia | UN member state | ID | IDN | 360 | ISO 3166-2:ID | .id |
[pic 124] Iran (Islamic Republic of) | The Islamic Republic of Iran | UN member state | IR | IRN | 364 | ISO 3166-2:IR | .ir |
[pic 125] Iraq | The Republic of Iraq | UN member state | IQ | IRQ | 368 | ISO 3166-2:IQ | .iq |
[pic 126] Ireland | Ireland | UN member state | IE | IRL | 372 | ISO 3166-2:IE | .ie |
[pic 127] Isle of Man | The Isle of Man | British Crown | IM | IMN | 833 | ISO 3166-2:IM | .im |
[pic 128] Israel | The State of Israel | UN member state | IL | ISR | 376 | ISO 3166-2:IL | .il |
[pic 129] Italy | The Italian Republic | UN member state | IT | ITA | 380 | ISO 3166-2:IT | .it |
[pic 130] Ivory Coast – See Côte d'Ivoire. | |||||||
[pic 131] Jamaica | Jamaica | UN member state | JM | JAM | 388 | ISO 3166-2:JM | .jm |
[pic 132] Jan Mayen – See Svalbard and Jan Mayen. | |||||||
[pic 133] Japan | Japan | UN member state | JP | JPN | 392 | ISO 3166-2:JP | .jp |
[pic 134] Jersey | The Bailiwick of Jersey | British Crown | JE | JEY | 832 | ISO 3166-2:JE | .je |
[pic 135] Jordan | The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan | UN member state | JO | JOR | 400 | ISO 3166-2:JO | .jo |
[pic 136] Kazakhstan | The Republic of Kazakhstan | UN member state | KZ | KAZ | 398 | ISO 3166-2:KZ | .kz |
[pic 137] Kenya | The Republic of Kenya | UN member state | KE | KEN | 404 | ISO 3166-2:KE | .ke |
[pic 138] Kiribati | The Republic of Kiribati | UN member state | KI | KIR | 296 | ISO 3166-2:KI | .ki |
[pic 139] Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) [o] | The Democratic People's Republic of Korea | UN member state | KP | PRK | 408 | ISO 3166-2:KP | .kp |
[pic 140] Korea (the Republic of) [p] | The Republic of Korea | UN member state | KR | KOR | 410 | ISO 3166-2:KR | .kr |
[pic 141] Kuwait | The State of Kuwait | UN member state | KW | KWT | 414 | ISO 3166-2:KW | .kw |
[pic 142] Kyrgyzstan | The Kyrgyz Republic | UN member state | KG | KGZ | 417 | ISO 3166-2:KG | .kg |
[pic 143] Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) [q] | The Lao People's Democratic Republic | UN member state | LA | LAO | 418 | ISO 3166-2:LA | .la |
[pic 144] Latvia | The Republic of Latvia | UN member state | LV | LVA | 428 | ISO 3166-2:LV | .lv |
[pic 145] Lebanon | The Lebanese Republic | UN member state | LB | LBN | 422 | ISO 3166-2:LB | .lb |
[pic 146] Lesotho | The Kingdom of Lesotho | UN member state | LS | LSO | 426 | ISO 3166-2:LS | .ls |
[pic 147] Liberia | The Republic of Liberia | UN member state | LR | LBR | 430 | ISO 3166-2:LR | .lr |
[pic 148] Libya | The State of Libya | UN member state | LY | LBY | 434 | ISO 3166-2:LY | .ly |
[pic 149] Liechtenstein | The Principality of Liechtenstein | UN member state | LI | LIE | 438 | ISO 3166-2:LI | .li |
[pic 150] Lithuania | The Republic of Lithuania | UN member state | LT | LTU | 440 | ISO 3166-2:LT | .lt |
[pic 151] Luxembourg | The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg | UN member state | LU | LUX | 442 | ISO 3166-2:LU | .lu |
[pic 152] Macao [r] | Macao Special Administrative Region of China[11] | China | MO | MAC | 446 | ISO 3166-2:MO | .mo |
[pic 153] North Macedonia [s] | Republic of North Macedonia[12] | UN member state | MK | MKD | 807 | ISO 3166-2:MK | .mk |
[pic 154] Madagascar | The Republic of Madagascar | UN member state | MG | MDG | 450 | ISO 3166-2:MG | .mg |
[pic 155] Malawi | The Republic of Malawi | UN member state | MW | MWI | 454 | ISO 3166-2:MW | .mw |
[pic 156] Malaysia | Malaysia | UN member state | MY | MYS | 458 | ISO 3166-2:MY | .my |
[pic 157] Maldives | The Republic of Maldives | UN member state | MV | MDV | 462 | ISO 3166-2:MV | .mv |
[pic 158] Mali | The Republic of Mali | UN member state | ML | MLI | 466 | ISO 3166-2:ML | .ml |
[pic 159] Malta | The Republic of Malta | UN member state | MT | MLT | 470 | ISO 3166-2:MT | .mt |
[pic 160] Marshall Islands (the) | The Republic of the Marshall Islands | UN member state | MH | MHL | 584 | ISO 3166-2:MH | .mh |
[pic 161] Martinique | Martinique | France | MQ | MTQ | 474 | ISO 3166-2:MQ | .mq |
[pic 162] Mauritania | The Islamic Republic of Mauritania | UN member state | MR | MRT | 478 | ISO 3166-2:MR | .mr |
[pic 163] Mauritius | The Republic of Mauritius | UN member state | MU | MUS | 480 | ISO 3166-2:MU | .mu |
[pic 164] Mayotte | The Department of Mayotte | France | YT | MYT | 175 | ISO 3166-2:YT | .yt |
[pic 165] Mexico | The United Mexican States | UN member state | MX | MEX | 484 | ISO 3166-2:MX | .mx |
[pic 166] Micronesia (Federated States of) | The Federated States of Micronesia | UN member state | FM | FSM | 583 | ISO 3166-2:FM | .fm |
[pic 167] Moldova (the Republic of) | The Republic of Moldova | UN member state | MD | MDA | 498 | ISO 3166-2:MD | .md |
[pic 168] Monaco | The Principality of Monaco | UN member state | MC | MCO | 492 | ISO 3166-2:MC | .mc |
[pic 169] Mongolia | The State of Mongolia | UN member state | MN | MNG | 496 | ISO 3166-2:MN | .mn |
[pic 170] Montenegro | Montenegro | UN member state | ME | MNE | 499 | ISO 3166-2:ME | .me |
[pic 171] Montserrat | Montserrat | United Kingdom | MS | MSR | 500 | ISO 3166-2:MS | .ms |
[pic 172] Morocco | The Kingdom of Morocco | UN member state | MA | MAR | 504 | ISO 3166-2:MA | .ma |
[pic 173] Mozambique | The Republic of Mozambique | UN member state | MZ | MOZ | 508 | ISO 3166-2:MZ | .mz |
[pic 174] Myanmar [t] | The Republic of the Union of Myanmar | UN member state | MM | MMR | 104 | ISO 3166-2:MM | .mm |
[pic 175] Namibia | The Republic of Namibia | UN member state | NA | NAM | 516 | ISO 3166-2:NA | .na |
[pic 176] Nauru | The Republic of Nauru | UN member state | NR | NRU | 520 | ISO 3166-2:NR | .nr |
[pic 177] Nepal | The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal | UN member state | NP | NPL | 524 | ISO 3166-2:NP | .np |
[pic 178] Netherlands (the) | The Kingdom of the Netherlands | UN member state | NL | NLD | 528 | ISO 3166-2:NL | .nl |
[pic 179] New Caledonia | New Caledonia | France | NC | NCL | 540 | ISO 3166-2:NC | .nc |
[pic 180] New Zealand | New Zealand | UN member state | NZ | NZL | 554 | ISO 3166-2:NZ | .nz |
[pic 181] Nicaragua | The Republic of Nicaragua | UN member state | NI | NIC | 558 | ISO 3166-2:NI | .ni |
[pic 182] Niger (the) | The Republic of the Niger | UN member state | NE | NER | 562 | ISO 3166-2:NE | .ne |
[pic 183] Nigeria | The Federal Republic of Nigeria | UN member state | NG | NGA | 566 | ISO 3166-2:NG | .ng |
[pic 184] Niue | Niue | New Zealand | NU | NIU | 570 | ISO 3166-2:NU | .nu |
[pic 185] Norfolk Island | The Territory of Norfolk Island | Australia | NF | NFK | 574 | ISO 3166-2:NF | .nf |
[pic 186] North Korea – See Korea, The Democratic People's Republic of. | |||||||
[pic 187] Northern Ireland – See United Kingdom, The. | |||||||
[pic 188] Northern Mariana Islands (the) | The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | United States | MP | MNP | 580 | ISO 3166-2:MP | .mp |
[pic 189] Norway | The Kingdom of Norway | UN member state | NO | NOR | 578 | ISO 3166-2:NO | .no |
[pic 190] Oman | The Sultanate of Oman | UN member state | OM | OMN | 512 | ISO 3166-2:OM | .om |
[pic 191] Pakistan | The Islamic Republic of Pakistan | UN member state | PK | PAK | 586 | ISO 3166-2:PK | .pk |
[pic 192] Palau | The Republic of Palau | UN member state | PW | PLW | 585 | ISO 3166-2:PW | .pw |
[pic 193] Palestine, State of | The State of Palestine | UN observer | PS | PSE | 275 | ISO 3166-2:PS | .ps |
[pic 194] Panama | The Republic of Panamá | UN member state | PA | PAN | 591 | ISO 3166-2:PA | .pa |
[pic 195] Papua New Guinea | The Independent State of Papua New Guinea | UN member state | PG | PNG | 598 | ISO 3166-2:PG | .pg |
[pic 196] Paraguay | The Republic of Paraguay | UN member state | PY | PRY | 600 | ISO 3166-2:PY | .py |
[pic 197] People's Republic of China – See China. | |||||||
[pic 198] Peru | The Republic of Perú | UN member state | PE | PER | 604 | ISO 3166-2:PE | .pe |
[pic 199] Philippines (the) | The Republic of the Philippines | UN member state | PH | PHL | 608 | ISO 3166-2:PH | .ph |
[pic 200] Pitcairn [u] | The Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands | United Kingdom | PN | PCN | 612 | ISO 3166-2:PN | .pn |
[pic 201] Poland | The Republic of Poland | UN member state | PL | POL | 616 | ISO 3166-2:PL | .pl |
[pic 202] Portugal | The Portuguese Republic | UN member state | PT | PRT | 620 | ISO 3166-2:PT | .pt |
[pic 203] Puerto Rico | The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico | United States | PR | PRI | 630 | ISO 3166-2:PR | .pr |
[pic 204] Qatar | The State of Qatar | UN member state | QA | QAT | 634 | ISO 3166-2:QA | .qa |
[pic 205] Republic of China – See Taiwan (Province of China). | |||||||
[pic 206] Republic of Korea – See Korea, The Republic of. | |||||||
[pic 207] Republic of the Congo – See Congo, The. | |||||||
[pic 208] Réunion | Réunion | France | RE | REU | 638 | ISO 3166-2:RE | .re |
[pic 209] Romania | Romania | UN member state | RO | ROU | 642 | ISO 3166-2:RO | .ro |
[pic 210] Russian Federation (the) [v] | The Russian Federation | UN member state | RU | RUS | 643 | ISO 3166-2:RU | .ru |
[pic 211] Rwanda | The Republic of Rwanda | UN member state | RW | RWA | 646 | ISO 3166-2:RW | .rw |
[pic 212] Saba – See Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. | |||||||
[pic 213] Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic – See Western Sahara. | |||||||
[pic 214] Saint Barthélemy | The Collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy | France | BL | BLM | 652 | ISO 3166-2:BL | .bl |
[pic 215] Saint Helena | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | United Kingdom | SH | SHN | 654 | ISO 3166-2:SH | .sh |
[pic 218] Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis | UN member state | KN | KNA | 659 | ISO 3166-2:KN | .kn |
[pic 219] Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia | UN member state | LC | LCA | 662 | ISO 3166-2:LC | .lc |
[pic 220] Saint Martin (French part) | The Collectivity of Saint-Martin | France | MF | MAF | 663 | ISO 3166-2:MF | .mf |
[pic 221] Saint Pierre and Miquelon | The Overseas Collectivity of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon | France | PM | SPM | 666 | ISO 3166-2:PM | .pm |
[pic 222] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | UN member state | VC | VCT | 670 | ISO 3166-2:VC | .vc |
[pic 223] Samoa | The Independent State of Samoa | UN member state | WS | WSM | 882 | ISO 3166-2:WS | .ws |
[pic 224] San Marino | The Republic of San Marino | UN member state | SM | SMR | 674 | ISO 3166-2:SM | .sm |
[pic 225] Sao Tome and Principe | The Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe | UN member state | ST | STP | 678 | ISO 3166-2:ST | .st |
[pic 226] Saudi Arabia | The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | UN member state | SA | SAU | 682 | ISO 3166-2:SA | .sa |
[pic 227] Scotland – See United Kingdom, The. | |||||||
[pic 228] Senegal | The Republic of Senegal | UN member state | SN | SEN | 686 | ISO 3166-2:SN | .sn |
[pic 229] Serbia | The Republic of Serbia | UN member state | RS | SRB | 688 | ISO 3166-2:RS | .rs |
[pic 230] Seychelles | The Republic of Seychelles | UN member state | SC | SYC | 690 | ISO 3166-2:SC | .sc |
[pic 231] Sierra Leone | The Republic of Sierra Leone | UN member state | SL | SLE | 694 | ISO 3166-2:SL | .sl |
[pic 232] Singapore | The Republic of Singapore | UN member state | SG | SGP | 702 | ISO 3166-2:SG | .sg |
[pic 233] Sint Eustatius – See Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. | |||||||
[pic 234] Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | Sint Maarten | Netherlands | SX | SXM | 534 | ISO 3166-2:SX | .sx |
[pic 235] Slovakia | The Slovak Republic | UN member state | SK | SVK | 703 | ISO 3166-2:SK | .sk |
[pic 236] Slovenia | The Republic of Slovenia | UN member state | SI | SVN | 705 | ISO 3166-2:SI | .si |
[pic 237] Solomon Islands | The Solomon Islands | UN member state | SB | SLB | 090 | ISO 3166-2:SB | .sb |
[pic 238] Somalia | The Federal Republic of Somalia | UN member state | SO | SOM | 706 | ISO 3166-2:SO | .so |
[pic 239] South Africa | The Republic of South Africa | UN member state | ZA | ZAF | 710 | ISO 3166-2:ZA | .za |
[pic 240] South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | United Kingdom | GS | SGS | 239 | ISO 3166-2:GS | .gs |
[pic 241] South Korea – See Korea, The Republic of. | |||||||
[pic 242] South Sudan | The Republic of South Sudan | UN member state | SS | SSD | 728 | ISO 3166-2:SS | .ss |
[pic 243] Spain | The Kingdom of Spain | UN member state | ES | ESP | 724 | ISO 3166-2:ES | .es |
[pic 244] Sri Lanka | The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka | UN member state | LK | LKA | 144 | ISO 3166-2:LK | .lk |
[pic 245] Sudan (the) | The Republic of the Sudan | UN member state | SD | SDN | 729 | ISO 3166-2:SD | .sd |
[pic 246] Suriname | The Republic of Suriname | UN member state | SR | SUR | 740 | ISO 3166-2:SR | .sr |
[pic 247] Svalbard | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Norway | SJ | SJM | 744 | ISO 3166-2:SJ | [w] |
[pic 249] Sweden | The Kingdom of Sweden | UN member state | SE | SWE | 752 | ISO 3166-2:SE | .se |
[pic 250] Switzerland | The Swiss Confederation | UN member state | CH | CHE | 756 | ISO 3166-2:CH | .ch |
[pic 251] Syrian Arab Republic (the) [x] | The Syrian Arab Republic | UN member state | SY | SYR | 760 | ISO 3166-2:SY | .sy |
[pic 252] Taiwan (Province of China) [y] | The Republic of China | disputed [z] | TW | TWN | 158 | ISO 3166-2:TW | .tw |
[pic 253] Tajikistan | The Republic of Tajikistan | UN member state | TJ | TJK | 762 | ISO 3166-2:TJ | .tj |
[pic 254] Tanzania, the United Republic of | The United Republic of Tanzania | UN member state | TZ | TZA | 834 | ISO 3166-2:TZ | .tz |
[pic 255] Thailand | The Kingdom of Thailand | UN member state | TH | THA | 764 | ISO 3166-2:TH | .th |
[pic 256] Timor-Leste [aa] | The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste | UN member state | TL | TLS | 626 | ISO 3166-2:TL | .tl |
[pic 257] Togo | The Togolese Republic | UN member state | TG | TGO | 768 | ISO 3166-2:TG | .tg |
[pic 258] Tokelau | Tokelau | New Zealand | TK | TKL | 772 | ISO 3166-2:TK | .tk |
[pic 259] Tonga | The Kingdom of Tonga | UN member state | TO | TON | 776 | ISO 3166-2:TO | .to |
[pic 260] Trinidad and Tobago | The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago | UN member state | TT | TTO | 780 | ISO 3166-2:TT | .tt |
[pic 261] Tunisia | The Republic of Tunisia | UN member state | TN | TUN | 788 | ISO 3166-2:TN | .tn |
[pic 262] Turkey | The Republic of Turkey | UN member state | TR | TUR | 792 | ISO 3166-2:TR | .tr |
[pic 263] Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan | UN member state | TM | TKM | 795 | ISO 3166-2:TM | .tm |
[pic 264] Turks and Caicos Islands (the) | The Turks and Caicos Islands | United Kingdom | TC | TCA | 796 | ISO 3166-2:TC | .tc |
[pic 265] Tuvalu | Tuvalu | UN member state | TV | TUV | 798 | ISO 3166-2:TV | .tv |
[pic 266] Uganda | The Republic of Uganda | UN member state | UG | UGA | 800 | ISO 3166-2:UG | .ug |
[pic 267] Ukraine | Ukraine | UN member state | UA | UKR | 804 | ISO 3166-2:UA | .ua |
[pic 268] United Arab Emirates (the) | The United Arab Emirates | UN member state | AE | ARE | 784 | ISO 3166-2:AE | .ae |
[pic 269] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) | The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | UN member state | GB | GBR | 826 | ISO 3166-2:GB | .gb .uk [ab] |
[pic 270] United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) [ac] | Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island | United States | UM | UMI | 581 | ISO 3166-2:UM | [ad] |
[pic 271] United States of America (the) | The United States of America | UN member state | US | USA | 840 | ISO 3166-2:US | .us |
[pic 272] United States Virgin Islands – See Virgin Islands (U.S.). | |||||||
[pic 273] Uruguay | The Oriental Republic of Uruguay | UN member state | UY | URY | 858 | ISO 3166-2:UY | .uy |
[pic 274] Uzbekistan | The Republic of Uzbekistan | UN member state | UZ | UZB | 860 | ISO 3166-2:UZ | .uz |
[pic 275] Vanuatu | The Republic of Vanuatu | UN member state | VU | VUT | 548 | ISO 3166-2:VU | .vu |
[pic 276] Vatican City – See Holy See, The. | |||||||
[pic 277] Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela | UN member state | VE | VEN | 862 | ISO 3166-2:VE | .ve |
[pic 278] Viet Nam [ae] | The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam | UN member state | VN | VNM | 704 | ISO 3166-2:VN | .vn |
[pic 279] Virgin Islands (British) [af] | The Virgin Islands | United Kingdom | VG | VGB | 092 | ISO 3166-2:VG | .vg |
[pic 280] Virgin Islands (U.S.) [ag] | The Virgin Islands of the United States | United States | VI | VIR | 850 | ISO 3166-2:VI | .vi |
[pic 281] Wales – See United Kingdom, The. | |||||||
[pic 282] Wallis and Futuna | The Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands | France | WF | WLF | 876 | ISO 3166-2:WF | .wf |
[pic 283] Western Sahara [ah] | The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic | disputed [ai] | EH | ESH | 732 | ISO 3166-2:EH | [aj] |
[pic 284] Yemen | The Republic of Yemen | UN member state | YE | YEM | 887 | ISO 3166-2:YE | .ye |
[pic 285] Zambia | The Republic of Zambia | UN member state | ZM | ZMB | 894 | ISO 3166-2:ZM | .zm |
[pic 286] Zimbabwe | The Republic of Zimbabwe | UN member state | ZW | ZWE | 716 | ISO 3166-2:ZW | .zw |