Objective. Measure the phase relation between capacitors and inductors in an alternating current using an Oscilloscope.
Enviado por Diego Paramo • 9 de Octubre de 2015 • Monografía • 350 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 213 Visitas
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Escuela de Ingeniería
Lab 4. AC Circuits Analysis
Objective. Measure the phase relation between capacitors and inductors in an alternating current using an Oscilloscope.
[pic 1]
- Electrolytic Capacitors [pic 2]
- Inductors (Coils) [pic 3]
- Resistance [pic 4]
For one charge:
- Resistive, the voltage and the current are in phase.
- In inductive and capacitive, diphase exist ( or 90°).[pic 5]
- Both generators will have a frequency of. Calculate frequency in Hertz.[pic 6]
- Peak voltage will be.[pic 7]
- Calculate the impedance of the inductor and the capacitor.
- To visualize the diphase between the voltage and the capacitor’s current, you should put the oscilloscope’s tips as shown in the image below, putting a serial resistance of to represent the oscilloscope’s current. In this way, channel 1 represents voltage and channel 2 represents current.[pic 8]
- Locate the “Cursor” button in the Oscilloscope to visualize a change in time, that will represent diphase in mS.
- To measure currents between components, put the millimeters in series with the component as shown in the image below.
[pic 9]
- Changing the capacitor and inductors values, determine the diphase in degrees that are presented between the capacitor’s voltage and current. Fill the table:
R | L | C | Capacitor Voltage | Capacitor Current | Time variation of V-I | Diphase degree |
- Calculate the impedance of the inductor and the capacitor changing the frequency of each component and determine again the measure’s values.
Frequency in Hz | R | L | C | Capacitor Voltage | Capacitor Current | Time variation of V-I | Diphase degree |
- Represent with a graph the wave’s forms of the circuit shown before. You can take a picture of the results showed in the oscilloscope.
- In your final report, you should include the theoretical fundaments related to the diphase that exist between voltage and current between this devices.
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