Ruben Dario
Enviado por yuukiasuna • 17 de Marzo de 2014 • 703 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 611 Visitas
Rubén Darío (1867 -1916)
Ruben Dario was born on January 18, 1867 in Metapa, Nicaragua (later renamed Ciudad Dario). At birth, he was named Felix Ruben Garcia Sarmiento and later took the old family name, Dario. His parents divorced and he was adopted and raised by his godfather Colonel Felix Ramirez. El Niño Poeta (the poet child), Dario began reading at the age of 3 and at 12 he was already publishing poems. He called his first three poems "La Fe", "Una Lagrima" and "El Desengaño". In 1882 in an attempt to secure a scholarship to study in Europe, Dario read his poem, "El Libro" to conservative Nicaraguan authorities including President Joaquin Zavala. He was denied the scholarship because his poems were considered too liberal and officials feared a European education would further encourage his anti-religious sentiments. Instead, Dario travelled to El Salvador where he met the well-respected poet, Francisco Gavidia. Gavidia introduced Dario to the rhythmic structure of French poetry, which later became the cornerstone of Dario's revolutionary verses.
At the age of 19, Dario moved to Chile and dabbled in journalism. That year he also wrote his first novel, Emelina, which was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, his poetry received praise in competitions. In Chile, Dario was confronted with prejudice and racism due to the dark complexion of his skin, compared to that of the European influenced Chileans. Despite his disillusionment and despondency, Dario continued to be prolific in his writing and published some of his more popular works such as Azul, "Otoñales", and "Primeras Notas".
In 1890 at the age of 24, Dario married Rafaela Contreras and a year later while living in Costa Rica his son, Ruben Dario Contreras was born. After fleeing from a military coup, the couple moved to Guatemala where he was recruited in 1892 to represent Nicaragua in festivity celebrating the four-century discovery of the New World. The following year his wife died and he drowned his sorrows in alcohol. Soon after, Dario involuntarily remarried his ex-girlfriend, Rosario Murillo. Rosario's brother lured Dario with sex and alcohol, and at gunpoint forced him to marry Rosario. Her brother found the two lovers in bed and arranged a marriage in order to restore his sister's honor and reputation. Dario, who had no recollection of the previous night, awoke the next morning with a hangover and a new wife. Although never divorced from Rosario, Dario fell in love with and lived with his mistress, Francisca Sanchez. In addition, Dario did not limit his sexual relationships to his wife and mistress and fathered several children, some whom died and others he never met. Throughout his life, Dario indulged in alcohol and women and was notorious for his immoderate lifestyle.
In 1893, Dario was appointed consulate in Columbia by President Miguel Antonio Caro