Enviado por juliethortega • 23 de Junio de 2019 • Ensayo • 1.070 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 157 Visitas
In Colombia, the National Planning Department projected for 2018, 20% in utilization of waste going to landfills and encourage recycling, but has failed to exceed 17%, therefore a priority include mechanisms for joint production and scientific and technological research component.
Agribusiness, can be defined as economic activity combining agricultural production with industry to develop food products or raw materials which are intended for the production. Currently, agribusiness is recognized not only for its production and global economic impact, but also the processes that are implemented to reduce the environmental impact of its waste; therefore, retention and market opportunities depend not only on regulations subject to sanctions but also its relationship to the environment. Within this environment relationship, agribusiness should consider that during the previous processes to the production, handling, processing and marketing, products or waste involving serious problems associated with their disposal are generated.
It is estimated that globally discarded to a third of food for human consumption, waste generated from the cultivation of the raw material to marketing. In recent years, it has increased interest in the use of waste in different areas due to the low cost, high availability, and the need to reduce the environmental impact caused. In this regard, there have been studies focused on developing new technologies that use waste or by-products generated in the production of materials or substances added value; and considering the diversity of waste, there is a great variety in terms of composition and technology or method of processing that can be employed.
Industrial development leads to increased waste generation which have become both an economic and environmental problems for businesses as they should be responsible for the high costs generated by its disposal. Currently, the industry is seeking new production processes that are more efficient and generate low impact on the environment. Within these new processes it has found the need to reduce the exploitation of natural resources by taking advantage of waste generated in industry. Similarly, the use of these wastes or by-products not only helps reduce resource exploitation but pollution and ecosystem degradation,
The supply centers in Colombia and agro-food industry, in the processing step further allow obtaining the required product, generate a lot of products or waste having a significant impact on the environment due to its high organic content. Colombia for its great biodiversity has a significant potential for value-added products that can register new revenues and achieve significant biotechnological developments for the country. Therefore, various investigations have been conducted at national level based on the use and recovery of agro-industrial waste. These residues, depending on their origin and their composition can be reused to generate products for human and animal consumption, renewable energy production, obtaining biofuels and some chemical products, as well as land recuperators or fertilisers.
En Colombia, el Departamento Nacional de Planeación proyectó para el 2018, el 20% en aprovechamiento de residuos que van a los rellenos e incentivar el reciclaje, sin embargo no ha logrado superar el 17%, por lo tanto es prioritario incluir mecanismos de articulación del componente productivo y de investigación científica y tecnológica.
La agroindustria, se puede definir como la actividad económica que combina la producción agrícola con la industrial para desarrollar productos alimenticios o materias primas que son destinadas a la producción. Actualmente, la agroindustria es reconocida no solo por su producción e impacto económico mundial, sino también por los procesos que se implementan para disminuir el impacto ambiental que generan sus residuos; por tanto, su permanencia y oportunidades en el mercado no dependen solamente de reglamentaciones sujetas a sanciones sino también de su relación con el medio ambiente. Dentro de esta relación medioambiental, la agroindustria debe considerar que durante los procesos previos a la producción, manejo, procesamiento y comercialización, se generan subproductos o residuos que conllevan serios problemas asociados a su disposición final.