- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Actividad de metacognición Information and communication technology

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Metacognition Activity

Student: Iris Jacqueline Olivares Lozano

Roll Number: 27

Class 201

  1. Do you find differences between the algorithms and flowcharts done by you and the ones of done by your classmates? Most of the time, yes, but not always, sometimes there aren’t many ways to execute them so a lot of them are the same.
  2. What types of algorithms and flowcharts were more complicated to do, the sequential, the conditionals or the cyclic? The conditional and cyclic ones.
  3. About algorithms, mention the differences between the sequential, conditional and cyclic algorithms:

Sequential algorithms: The steps are executed or described from the beginning to the end, without skipping over any line.

Conditional algorithms: There is the necessity to take decisions in some steps due to conditions or questions that carry us to answer true or false or follow by one way or other.

Cyclic algorithms: In this type of algorithm there are actions or steps that are repeated while or until a condition is fulfilled.

  1. About flowcharts, mention the differences between the sequential, conditional and cyclic flowcharts

The differences are the same as the algorithms, but the flowcharts represent what the algorithms say.

  1. What was the less complicated to do, the algorithms or the flowcharts? The algorithms.
  2. Mention the comparison operators used in the algorithms and flowcharts

= Equal

< Less than

>Greater than

<= Less than or equal to

>= Greater than or equal to

  1. Mention the arithmetic operators used in the algorithms and flowcharts

+ Addition

- Subtraction

* Multiplication

/ Division

  1. What characteristics of a flowchart permit you to visualize that it is about a cyclic flowchart?

It includes a figure that indicates repetitive operations inside the flowchart.

  1. What figures of the flowcharts permit you to visualize that there is a condition to evaluate? The Decision ones.
  2. How do you detect in an algorithm or flowchart that is about a sequential, conditional or cyclic? With the type of figures that it includes.
  3. Do you consider that the practice in the elaboration of algorithms and flowcharts permit you to develop the skills in the planning solution of problems? Justify the answer:

For sure, you cannot develop a skill without knowing how to do it, neither can you by just doing it once or twice, you have to practice it constantly for the developing of the skill to be effective.


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