- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  8 de Octubre de 2015  •  Biografía  •  291 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  137 Visitas

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Northeastern mexico is divided in nuevo León, coahuila and tamaulipas terrestrial ecosystems of Northeastern new mexico leon

biotic factors

flora in sierra pine, cedar, FIR, Oak plain Yucca, agave, Governor, cenizo, cat's claw, lechuguilla

fauna in the duck mountains of necklace, chachalaca wild boar, coyote, Skunk, rabbit and Coyote

abiotic factors.

It is mainly hot and dry, but it has temperatures warm in the highest areas, frosts in winter and a strong rainy season sometimes accompanied by hurricanes. average temperature: 21° c average annual rainfall: 602 mm

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Coahuila is a large State by its people and its territory, in the can find landscapes of Deserts and semi deserts. Coahuila corresponds to the 3 types of biomes or natural regions in our territory: cold temperate, tropical and arid zones.

biotic factors

 fauna  birds, Coot, geese, grey crane, ducks and teals

Flora pine pine-oak oyamel oak gallery forest

abiotic factors

 the territory is constituted in its greater extension of marine and continental sedimentary rocks with ages dating from the Paleozoic to the Quaternary. There are 8 types of soil due to its extensión: scarce rainfall, dry climate.

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Tamaulipas are scrub, coast, desert, forest, coniferous forest, cloud forest, or meso, mangrove.

biotic factors

flora, that are semi-arid, (mahogany, cedar, rubber, sapota, cocoa, mamey, copal)

fauna: Tiger, coyote, wild boar, armadillo, Badger, ounce, deer, spider monkey

abiotic factors in tamaulipas is a hot climate, especially toward the border regions and the coast, there are different climate zones that differ according to three key geographical elements in the State: the latitude where State, its proximity to the Gulf of mexico and the altitude of their lands.

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