Enviado por kornos2080 • 15 de Octubre de 2013 • 2.777 Palabras (12 Páginas) • 317 Visitas
So far we have limited our study to resistive circuits. In this chapter, we
shall introduce two new and important passive linear circuit elements:
the capacitor and the inductor. Unlike resistors, which dissipate energy,
capacitors and inductors do not dissipate but store energy, which can be
retrieved at a later time. For this reason, capacitors and inductors are
In contrast to a resistor, which spends or dis- called storage elements.
sipates energy irreversibly, an inductor or capacitor
stores or releases energy (i.e., has a
The application of resistive circuits is quite limited. With the introduction
of capacitors and inductors in this chapter, we will be able to
analyze more important and practical circuits. Be assured that the circuit
analysis techniques covered in Chapters 3 and 4 are equally applicable to
circuits with capacitors and inductors.
We begin by introducing capacitors and describing how to combine
them in series or in parallel. Later, we do the same for inductors. As
typical applications, we explore how capacitors are combined with op
amps to form integrators, differentiators, and analog computers.
A capacitor is a passive element designed to store energy in its electric
field. Besides resistors, capacitors are the most common electrical components.
Capacitors are used extensively in electronics, communications,
computers, and power systems. For example, they are used in the tuning
circuits of radio receivers and as dynamic memory elements in computer
A capacitor is typically constructed as depicted in Fig. 6.1.
Metal plates,
each with area A
Dielectric with permittivity e
Figure 6.1 A typical capacitor.
A capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated
by an insulator (or dielectric).
In many practical applications, the plates may be aluminum foil while the
dielectric may be air, ceramic, paper, or mica.
When a voltage source v is connected to the capacitor, as in Fig.
6.2, the source deposits a positive charge q on one plate and a negative
charge −q on the other. The capacitor is said to store the electric charge.
The amount of charge stored, represented by q, is directly proportional
to the applied voltage v so that
q = Cv (6.1)
where C, the constant of proportionality, is known as the capacitance
of the capacitor. The unit of capacitance is the farad (F), in honor of
the English physicist Michael Faraday (1791–1867). From Eq. (6.1), we
Alternatively, capacitance is the amount of charge may derive the following definition.
storedper plate for a unit voltage difference in a
+q −q
+ −
Figure 6.2 A capacitor
with applied voltage v.
Capacitance is the ratio of the charge on one plate of a capacitor to the voltage
difference between the two plates, measured in farads (F).
Note from Eq. (6.1) that 1 farad = 1 coulomb/volt.
CHAPTER 6 Capacitors andInd uctors 203
Although the capacitance C of a capacitor is the ratio of the charge
q per plate to the applied voltage v, it does not depend on q or v. It
depends on the physical dimensions of the capacitor. For example, for
the parallel-plate capacitor shown in Fig. 6.1, the capacitance is given by
C = A
where A is the surface area of each plate, d is the distance between the
plates, and is the permittivity of the dielectric material between the
plates. Although Eq. (6.2) applies to only parallel-plate capacitors, we
may infer from it that, in general, three factors determine the value of the
Capacitor voltage rating andca pacitance are typically
inversely ratedd ue to the relationships in
Eqs. (6.1) and(6.2). Arcing occurs if d is small
and V is high.
1. The surface area of the plates—the larger the area, the greater
the capacitance.
2. The spacing between the plates—the smaller the spacing, the
greater the capacitance.
3. The permittivity of the material—the higher the permittivity,
the greater the capacitance.
Capacitors are commercially available in different values and types.
Typically, capacitors have values in the picofarad (pF) to microfarad (μF)
range. They are described by the dielectric material they are made of and
by whether they are of fixed or variable type. Figure 6.3 shows the circuit
symbols for fixed and variable capacitors. Note that according to the
passive sign convention, current is considered to flow into the positive
terminal of the capacitor when the capacitor is being charged, and out of
the positive terminal when the capacitor is discharging.
i C i
+ v −
+ v −
Figure 6.3 Circuit symbols for capacitors:
(a) fixed capacitor, (b) variable capacitor.
Figure 6.4 showscommontypes of fixed-value capacitors. Polyester
capacitors are light in weight, stable, and their change with temperature is
predictable. Instead of polyester, other dielectric materials such as mica
and polystyrene may be used. Film capacitors are rolled and housed in
metal or plastic films. Electrolytic capacitors produce very high capacitance.
Figure 6.5 shows the most common types of variable capacitors.
The capacitance of a trimmer (or padder) capacitor or a glass piston capacitor
is varied by turning the screw. The trimmer capacitor is often placed
in parallel with another capacitor so that the equivalent capacitance can
be varied slightly. The capacitance of the variable air capacitor (meshed
plates) is varied by turning the shaft. Variable capacitors are used in radio
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6.4 Fixed capacitors: (a) polyester capacitor, (b) ceramic capacitor, (c) electrolytic capacitor.
(Courtesy of Tech America.)
204 PART 1 DC Circuits
receivers allowing one to tune to various stations. In addition, capacitors
are used to block dc, pass ac, shift phase, store energy, start motors, and
suppress noise.
Figure 6.5 Variable capacitors:
(a) trimmer capacitor, (b) filmtrim