Caracterización de los materiales metálicos
Enviado por boro18 • 27 de Mayo de 2020 • Ensayo • 6.590 Palabras (27 Páginas) • 111 Visitas
Oscar Hernandez Hernandez
For the characterization of the materials several tests are needed to know that a material is made more specifically a metallic material, for this there are many ways to know its constitution in addition to knowing its physical, mechanical, chemical properties and its structure of the material some of those ways son:
Energy dispersive x-rays (edx). Dispersive energy X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) is a relatively new, versatile, rapid and non-destructive sampling technique that recognizes a large number of chemical elements and presents the results in real time, decides the need for additional sampling in the face of analytical results inconclusive
Scanning electron microscope meb and sem. It is an electron microscopy technique capable of producing high-resolution images of the surface of a sample using electron-matter interactions. Use an electron beam instead of a light beam to form an image.
There are also techniques to know the properties of the material in which tests are done on a probe some are:
Stress test
It consists of a destructive test to obtain, interpret and analyze some mechanical properties of the material under analysis.
From this test, important properties of the story materials are obtained, such as: modulus of elasticity, creep stress, maximum stress, breaking stress, elongation percentage.
Impact test
The impact test consists of dropping a heavy pendulum, which strikes a probe that is shaped like a parallelepiped, located in the supports at the base of the machine.
Non-destructive tests help to know the structure of the material without affecting its condition or having to lose that piece
Magnetic particles. The magnetic particle test technique is a procedure used in the detection of surface or subsurface defects
That is why only materials with high magnetic permeability (ferromagnetic), steels in general can be examined, not being applicable to aluminum, copper, zinc or austenitic stainless steels.
Visual inspection. Visual inspection is the most commonly used non-destructive method in all materials manufacturing industries. It is based on the observation of discontinuities visible to the naked eye.
Metallurgy is the set of knowledge, techniques and procedures that allow the extraction and treatment of metals based on minerals.
It can be said that metallurgy combines art, science and technology to obtain metals that can be exploited in multiple ways.
It is the branch of metallurgy that studies the structure of a metal or alloy and relates it to chemical composition, mechanical and physical properties. This study is carried out with the application of diverse and varied special techniques.
Scanning Electron Microscopy. The scanning electron microscope, an instrument that allows the observation and superficial characterization of inorganic and organic materials, delivering morphological information of the analyzed material.
Oxidation can be defined as the lack of electrons in atoms when two or more substances come into contact.
Corrosion. Corrosion is a deterioration observed in a metallic object because of a high electrochemical impact of oxidative nature and the degenerative speed of said material.
Corrosion is the product of an oxidizing-reductive interaction between the metal, the environment or the water where the formation of a brown substance that forms in iron and steel is submerged, thereby degrading these materials. Most known causes of corrosion are the alterations produced in the chemical structure of a metal due to exposure to air
Corrosion tests or tests
- Dispersion
- Spectrometry
- Absorption
- essays
- Hydraulics
- Fatigue
- Test tube
- Oxidation
- Corrosion
- Metal
- Metallography
- Normative
- Shows
- Hardness
- Thermoconductivity
Para la caracterización de los materiales se necesitan hacer varias pruebas para conocer que está hecho un material más precisamente un material metálico, para ello existe muchas formas de sabes su constitución además de sabes sus propiedades físicas, mecánicas, químicas y su estructura del material algunas de esas formas son:
Rayos x dispersivos de energía (edx). La fluorescencia de rayos X por energía dispersiva (EDXRF) es una técnica de muestreo versátil, rápida y no destructiva relativamente nueva, que reconoce un gran número de elementos químicos y presenta los resultados en tiempo real, permitiendo decidir la necesidad de muestreo adicional ante resultados analíticos no concluyentes.
Microscopio electrónico de barrido meb y sem. Es una técnica de microscopía electrónica capaz de producir imágenes de alta resolución de la superficie de una muestra utilizando las interacciones electrón-materia. Utiliza un haz de electrones en lugar de un haz de luz para formar una imagen.
También hay técnicas para saber las propiedades del material en cual se hacen ensayos en una probeta algunos son:
Ensayo de tensión
Consiste en una prueba destructiva para la obtención, interpretación y análisis de algunas propiedades mecánicas del material a analizar.
De este ensayo se obtienen propiedades importantes de los materiales tales como: módulo de elasticidad, esfuerzo de fluencia, esfuerzo máximo, esfuerzo de rotura, porcentaje de elongación.
Ensayo de impacto
El ensayo de impacto consiste en dejar caer un péndulo pesado, el cual a su paso golpea una probeta que tiene forma de paralelepípedo, ubicada en unos soportes en la base de la máquina.