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Cerco infections: System for instant detection of microorganisms

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Cerco infections: System for instant detection of microorganisms.

On July 30, 2013

On 29 July took place in Tarragona the signing of Constitution of Medcom Advance, company created by Medcomtech for the development of products Themselves nanobiotechnological in the field of basic science. Investigations Have Been Made Entirely in the technological Center of the chemistry of Catalonia (CTQC).

The first Medcom Advance project is an innovative system that allows to know the origin of the infection from the instant detection of microorganisms, without having to make repeated medical tests or supply unnecessary drugs to patients. To create this new product medical nanotechnology has been used and project had a budget of 1.8 million for its production.

The new system, Aimed at hospitals, clinics and medical centers in general presents improvements Within the scope of the investigation of the source of infections and saving costs and time, since unnecessary medical tests are not Carried out to the patients, or the Increase of the effectiveness of the diagnosis, since instantly Detects That Which microorganisms are the source of the infection.

It is the first project of biotechnological innovation developed by Medcom Advance, created Medcomtech matrix and company dedicated to the research and development of medical products using biotechnology and nanotechnology. The goal is to Develop technology and applied it to the health market With An affordable cost.

In this new business company, owned mainly by Medcomtech - 75% -, Also Involved scientific partners: Universitat Rovira Virgili (URV), Center technology of the chemistry of Catalonia (CTQC) Catalan institution for research and advanced studies (ICREA); and, privately, scientist and researcher Ramon Alvarez Puebla.

They signed the Act of Constitution Francesc Xavier Grau, rector of the URV, Jaume Bertranpetit, director of the private institution Catalan Foundation for research and advanced studies (ICREA), Fernando Torres, director of the private Foundation Center technology of the chemistry of Catalonia (CTQC), Dr. Ramon Alvarez Puebla, at the URV-CTQC ICREA Research Professor, and Joan Sagalés, Managing Director of the company Medcomtech.


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