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Chemistry Portfolio 1, Activity 1.3

Enviado por   •  28 de Agosto de 2014  •  962 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  202 Visitas

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Fact #1 About Science: Chemistry is responsible of everything.

The purpose of this report is to explain the contribution of chemistry, and other sciences to the advances of humanity. First of all, to have a clear idea of the next explanations, we need to determine what science is. Science is an organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world. It is a way of observing, a way of thinking, and a way of knowing about the world (Miller & Levine, 2014). The scientific knowledge is an interrelation of all the sciences that the man has developed throughout his intellectual evolution. One of the branches of science is the chemistry, a central science dedicated to the study of the composition, structure, properties and changes of matter. The Chemistry as science interrelates with other disciplines such as: energy, technology and communication, health and medicine, food, agriculture and nutrition. When we study the makeup and changes in rocks, the soil, the atmosphere, semiconductor materials, metabolism in living systems, or numerous other topics, we are dealing with chemicals. Solving problems in the environment, in industry, and in health-related areas often involves chemistry. If we search for an understanding of problems related to industrial materials, depletion of the ozone layer, crystalline structures in rocks, metabolism and respiration, or the effects of medications on the body, chemistry is there. Thanks to chemistry, made possible the development of technology, and thanks to this we have items that make life easier for people. It is important to know that technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and extracting of materials. The term ‘Technology” is wide and everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of technology (Ramey, n.d.).

Field of application Real life example Role of chemistry Other sciences involved Picture or image Personal opinion about the given example



(When gasoline is burned in the carburetor of an automobile) It is due to the reaction of the hydrocarbons with the oxygen of the air. This reaction releases energy which becomes mechanical energy and produces the motion of the vehicle.



Beyond being a fuel, gasoline has multiple impacts, positive and negative. But regardless of the negative impacts, gasoline is needed today to allow correct performance of various machines and automobiles.

Technology and communication Communications satellites

(The power supply of satellites) The chemistry is closely linked to electricity. The electric batteries are powered by small radioactive sources with plutonium-239, strontium-90 and cobalt-60 .These batteries are mounted on satellites for its energy supply. They are very small and can work without any maintenance for years. Astronomy



An important factor in the development of many artifacts and technological advances is the Electrical Engineering, which designs products to meet the electricity needs of our society, the satellites today in days are very important because they allow different media to be accessible and efficient.

Health and medicine Pharmaceutical


(Obtaining mammalian proteins) Thanks to recombinant DNA technology, the genes of certain human proteins in microorganisms are cloned for their suitable commercial manufacture. A typical example is the production of insulin which is derived from Sacharomces


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