- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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V century B.C. the V A.D. It focuses primarily on ancient Greece and Roman Empire emotion, passion, courage, innovation Sophocles:

Oedipus Rex

Maro Virgil: Aeneid

Homer: Iliad

Medieval V to the XV century occurred in Europe, mainly the Roman Empire fragmented into predominant themes in her own religion, God and the great chivalric heroes and kings

Juan Ruiz: Book of Good Love

John Manuel: The Count Lucanor.

Anna Comnena: The Alexiada

Renaissance XV-XVI

Launched in Italy and spread throughout Europe after recovery humanist classical Greco-Roman literature

Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy

Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron

Baroque XVII is an extension of the Renaissance

Love, nature, mythology ... used the same themes as the Renaissance poets, but intensified to bring to its logical

Luis de Gongora: Chacón Manuscript

François Rabelais: Fable of Polyphemus

LOPE DE VEGA: The Knight of Olmedo

Neoclassicism XVIII represents a throwback to the classic Greek or Roman values, cultivate classical motifs and forms not adapted to an idiosyncrasy, but all literature submitting to its laws, everything that does not disqualify them in strict order

Fernandez Moratín: The other girls'

Felix Maria Serafin: The Fox and the Grapes.

Joseph Gallows: Solaya or Circassians


Century, first half constitutes a return to the imagination, abandoning the coldness of neoclassicism. imagination and the feeling of the author. Claimed the ethical, religious and national

Duke of Rivas: strength but

José de Espronceda: The Pelayo in octaves

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer: Letters from my cell


Century, second half Emerged in France is the emergence of local scenarios of popular language and Stendhal Red and blackFeidor Dostoevsky: punishment Modernism late nineteenth and early twentieth parnasianismo, symbolism and modernism

Leopoldo Lugones: The mountains of gold

Enrique Larreta: The Glory of Don Ramiro

Ricardo Jaimes Freyre: Laws of Spanish versification


first half of the twentieth century provocative attitude Fighting traditions, seeking novelty and freedom.

Boldness and freedom of form. Rómpese both the stanza, the score, the metric of the verses as the syntax completely altering the traditional structure of the compositions. Surrealist Manifesto André Breton

Luis Cardoza y Aragón Luna Park

Pablo Neruda: Elementary Odes


finales del siglo XX es una negación y una afirmación del paradigma modernista Desencanto a la razón, sentido de agotamiento,


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