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Concepto De Humildad En Ingles

Enviado por   •  3 de Mayo de 2015  •  998 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  1.404 Visitas

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Concept Of Humility

Humility is the virtue which consists in knowing the limitations and weaknesses and act on that knowledge.

It could be said that humility is the absence of pride. It is a feature of the modest own subjects, who feel more important or better than others, no matter how far they have come in life characteristics of humility:

1.La humility is willing to extend credit to others for our triumphs. The person who is truly humble is so immersed in their work to serve that does not care who gets the credit for what he does.

2.La humility brings a sincere interest in others A humble person seeks to serve others before them, because it has adopted the saying of Jesus ... (Matthew 20:28). But this is not popular in our culture that exalts the opposite. However, the Lord said ... (Matthew 20:26). A truly humble person granted success to the Grace and Mercy of God, see it as a way to serve God and others! That is a sign of humility!

3.La humility refuses to believe that is always right The well-known lecturer and writer Charles Swindoll tells the story of a couple who were called Sven and Holda. Both were Christians, they had their family altar and prayed regularly. Attend church twice Sunday, she was in the choir and was a server, attended services on weekdays, but did not get along. They fought all the time. Responsible for his stormy relationship felt and prayed about it often. One morning after meditation with God and still feeling that had not been fixed, Holda said, I think I have the solution to our problem. Holda Tell me what is? I think we should ask God that takes one of them to be with Him. That way, I can go live with my sister.

4.La humility consider the successes and failures from God's perspective Christians often have trouble seeing ourselves in a balanced manner. We tend to gravitate toward one of the following: "I'm so wonderful that God would not do without me" or "I'm a good unworthy worm at all." Fortunately, the Bible does not support either of these two perspectives. To whom he believes so much has been achieved, the word of God reminds us (Romans 12: 3). Then Paul discusses the truth about spiritual gifts God has endowed each of us in different ways to serve Him. Just as a body has many parts necessary to function properly, also the body of Christ is made up of many members.

No Christian was designed to function in isolation, we need mutually. the humility gives us God's perspective about ourselves: Outside of Christ we deserve nothing but eternal punishment. But in Christ we are capable of anything. Humility is defined as "the attitude of the person who boasts of his achievements, failures and weaknesses recognizes and acts without pride." Taking this definition as a basis, we can extract many desirable situations associated to the behavior of individuals in organizations, such as: relationship between


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