- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

De los Derechos Civiles

Enviado por   •  13 de Enero de 2015  •  Tutorial  •  1.146 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  227 Visitas

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Article 42. Who miss or renounce nationality loses citizenship. The exercise of citizenship or any political rights can only be suspended by judgement Court in cases determined by the law.

Artículo 42. Quien pierda o renuncie a la nacionalidad pierde la ciudadanía. El ejercicio de la ciudadanía o de alguno de los derechos políticos sólo puede ser suspendido por sentencia judicial firme en los casos que determine la ley.

Capítulo III

De los Derechos Civiles

Artículo 43. El derecho a la vida es inviolable. Ninguna ley podrá establecer la pena de muerte, ni autoridad alguna aplicarla. El Estado protegerá la vida de las personas que se encuentren privadas de su libertad, prestando el servicio militar o civil, o sometidas a su autoridad en cualquier otra forma.

Chapter III

Civil rights

Article 43. The right to life is inviolable. No law may establish the penalty of death, nor any authority to apply it. The State protects the life of persons who are deprived of their liberty, by providing military or civilian service or subject to his authority in any other way.

Article 51. Every person has the right to represent or direct petitions to any authority, government official or public officer on matters falling within the competence of these or these, and to obtain timely and appropriate response. Those who violate this law will be sanctioned or punished according to the law, and can be removed or dismissed from the respective post.

Artículo 51. Toda persona tiene el derecho de representar o dirigir peticiones ante cualquier autoridad, funcionario público o funcionaria pública sobre los asuntos que sean de la competencia de éstos o éstas, y de obtener oportuna y adecuada respuesta. Quienes violen este derecho serán sancionados o sancionadas conforme a la ley, pudiendo ser destituidos o destituidas del cargo respectivo.

El artículo 88. El Estado garantizará la igualdad y equidad de hombres y mujeres en el ejercicio del derecho al trabajo. El Estado reconocerá el trabajo del hogar como actividad económica que crea valor agregado y produce riqueza y bienestar social. El las amas de casa tienen derecho a la seguridad social de conformidad con la ley.

Article 88. The State shall guarantee the equality and equity of men and women in the exercise of the right to work. The State shall recognize the work of the household as an economic activity that creates added value and produces wealth and social well-being. The housewives are entitled to social security in accordance with the law.

Article 79. The young and the young have the right and duty to be active subjects of the development process. The State, with the joint participation of families and society, will create opportunities to stimulate productive transit towards adult life and, in particular, for training and access to the first employment, in accordance with the law.

Article 108. The means of social communication, public and private, must contribute to the citizen training. The State shall guarantee public services of radio, television and network of libraries and information technology, in order to allow universal access to the information. Schools should incorporate the knowledge and application of new technologies, innovations, according to requirements that establish the law.

Article 115. The right to property is guaranteed. Everyone has the right to the use, enjoyment, enjoyment and disposition of their assets. The property shall be subject to contributions, restrictions and obligations that establishes the law of public utility or general interest purposes. Only because of public utility or social interest, through judgment and timely payment of just compensation, it may be declared the expropriation of any kind of goods.

Article 121. Indigenous peoples have the right


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