- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Derecho objetivo: Objective Law/Objective Right.

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Derecho objetivo: Objective Law/Objective Right

  1. Definition
  2. Legal Standards (Normas Juridicas)
  3. Private Law/Private Right (Derecho privado)
  4. Civil
  5. Public Law/ Public Right (Derecho publico)

Elementos: Elements

  1. Legal Element or Legal Bind
  2. Subjective Element
  3. Objective Element (to give, to do, not to do something)
  1. Obligation to give
  • Give certain things
  • Give uncertain things
  • Give sums of money
  • Give amounts of things
  1. Obligation to do
  2. Obligation not to do  

Fuentes de las obligaciones: Sources of Obligations

  1. Legal Act
  2. Legal Fact
  3. Enrichment without cause
  4. Abuse of the right/ Abuse of process
  5. Autonomy of will and Abuse of the right/ Free will and Abuse of process
  6. Freedom to contract in the international right

Clasificacion de las obligaciones: Classification of obligations

  1. Pure and simple
  2. Conditional
  3. Obligation to term
  4. Principal/ Main and accessory
  5. Simple and plural subject
  6. Joint and several
  7. Natural and Civil
  8. Divisible and indivisible
  9. Alternatives and Optional
  10. Of gender and Of certain body
  11. Of Medium and Of result
  12. Civil or commercial

Efectos de las obligaciones: Effects of the obligations

  1. Pre-contractual, contractual and extra-contractual Responsibility
  2. Contractual responsibilities facing obligations of to give, to do, and to not to do.
  3. Contractual fault and extra-contractual fault
  4. Clause of non-responsibility
  5. Force majeure and fortuitous case
  6. Problems of the risks
  7. The default. Obligation to term, simple and pure
  • The default of the debtor
  • The default of  the creditor
  1. Exception of contract non fulfilled
  2. Damages
  1. Definition
  2. Elements
  3. Types of damage
  1. Compensatory and arrears
  2. Direct and indirect
  3. Certain and eventual
  4.  Current and future
  5. Material and moral
  6. Predictable and unpredictable
  1.  Requirements for appropriate compensation for damages
  1. Damage suffered by the creditor
  2. Imputation of nonperformance or delay of provision the debtor
  3. Default of the debtor
  1. What kind of damage the debtor responds?
  2. Exceptions relating to money
  3. Judicial, legal and conventional determination of damages

Transmisión de los obligaciones: Transmission of the obligation

  1.  Assignment of credit
  2. Assignment of contract

Extincion de las obligaciones:  Extinction of an obligation

  1. Payment
  2. In payment?
  3. Novation
  4. Compensation
  5. Remission
  6. Confusion
  7. Prescription
  8. Transaction
  9. Impossibility of performance
  10. Death of the debtor


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